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There are 16 four-letter words containing A, C and I

ACAIacai n. Any of several South American palms, of the genus Euterpe, having a dark purple drupe.
acai n. The fruit of these trees, harvested for its juice.
açai n. Alternative spelling of acai.
ACIDacid adj. Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste; tart; having the taste of vinegar.
acid adj. (Figuratively) Sour-tempered.
acid adj. Of or pertaining to an acid; acidic.
ASCIasci n. Plural of ascus.
ASCUS n. (Greek) an enlarged cell which has formed eight spores.
CADIcadi n. Alternative form of qadi.
CADI n. (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country, also CAID, KADI, KAID, QADI, QAID.
CAIDcaid n. (Historical) A local governor or leader, especially in North Africa or Moorish Spain; an alcaide.
caid n. Any of various ancient and traditional Irish football games.
caid n. (Ireland) Modern Gaelic football.
CAINcain n. Alternative form of kain.
Cain prop.n. (Biblical) The son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel.
Cain prop.n. (Rare) A male given name from Hebrew.
CAMIcami n. (Colloquial) A camisole.
CAMI n. (short for) camisole.
CAPIcapi n. Plural of capo.
CAPO n. (Italian) the head of a branch of the Mafia.
CHAIchai n. A female gypsy.
chai n. Ellipsis of masala chai, a beverage made with black teas, steamed milk and sweet spices, based loosely…
chai n. (Judaism) A Jewish symbol representing life, traditionally worn as an amulet.
CHIAchia n. A Mexican sage grown for its edible seeds, Salvia hispanica.
chia n. Salvia columbariae, a sage with similar seeds, native to the southwestern US and northwestern Mexico.
Chia prop.n. A surname.
CIAOciao interj. Hello, hi.
ciao interj. Bye, goodbye.
ciao n. A greeting or farewell using the word "ciao".
CRIAcria n. A young South American camelid (llama, vicuna, guanaco or alpaca).
CRIA prop.n. Initialism of Canadian Recording Industry Association.
CRIA n. the offspring of a llama.
LAIClaic n. A layperson, as opposed to a member of the clergy.
laic adj. Lay, relating to laypersons, as opposed to clerical.
LAIC adj. pertaining to lay people rather than clergy.
MICAmica n. (Mineralogy) Any of a group of hydrous aluminosilicate minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage…
MICA n. a rock-forming mineral (muscovite, biotite, lepidolite, etc.) with perfect basal cleavage.
PICApica n. (Pathology) A disorder characterized by appetite and craving for non-edible substances, such as chalk…
pica n. (Typography, printing, uncountable) A size of type between small pica and English, now standardized as 12-point.
pica n. (Typography, uncountable, usually with qualifier) A font of this size.
SAICsaic n. A kind of ketch heavily used in the Black Sea, Tisa, Danube and Sava.
SAIC prop.n. Initialism of Science Applications International Corporation, a defense contractor, one of the largest…
SAIC n. (Turkish) a Levantine vessel like a ketch, also SAICK, SAIQUE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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