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There are 15 four-letter words containing A, D and M

AMIDamid prep. In the middle of; in the center of; surrounded by.
amid n. Archaic form of amide.
AMID n. a compound formed by the union of amidogen with an acid element or radical, also AMIDE.
DAMEdame n. (Britain) Usually capitalized as Dame: a title equivalent to Sir for a female knight.
dame n. (Britain) A matron at a school, especially Eton College.
dame n. (Britain, theater) In traditional pantomime: a melodramatic female often played by a man in drag.
DAMNdamn v. (Theology, transitive, intransitive) To condemn to hell.
damn v. To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment.
damn v. To put out of favor; to ruin; to label negatively.
DAMPdamp adj. In a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.
damp adj. (Figuratively) Despondent; dispirited, downcast.
damp n. Moisture; humidity; dampness.
DAMSdams n. Plural of dam.
dams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dam.
DAM v. to build an embankment to retain water.
DRAMdram n. (Units of measurement) A small unit of weight, variously…
dram n. (By extension) Any similarly minute quantity, (now particularly) a small amount of strong alcohol or poison.
dram n. (Historical, mining) A cart formerly used to haul coal in coal mines.
DUMAduma n. A Russian legislative assembly such as the historical duma of the Russian Empire or the modern lower…
duma n. A drink mixing wine and vodka.
Duma prop.n. A surname.
DWAMDWAM v. (Scots) to swoon, also DWALM, DWAUM.
MADEmade n. (UK dialectal or obsolete) A grub or maggot.
made v. Simple past tense and past participle of make.
made v. (Geordie) simple past tense and past participle of myek.
MADSmads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mad.
MADs n. Plural of MAD.
MAD v. to become or make angry or mad.
MAIDmaid n. (Dated or poetic) A girl or an unmarried young woman; maiden.
maid n. A female servant or cleaner (short for maidservant).
maid n. (Archaic) A virgin, now female but originally one of either gender.
MANDmand n. (Psychology) A verbal operant in which the response is reinforced by a characteristic consequence and…
mand v. (Psychology) To produce a mand (verbal operant).
mand n. (Obsolete) A demand.
MARDmard v. (Yorkshire) To cosset (a child).
MARD adj. (Spenser) marred.
MAUDmaud n. A grey plaid once worn by shepherds in Scotland and Northumbria.
Maud prop.n. A female given name from the Germanic languages.
Maud prop.n. A village in Aberdeenshire council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NJ9247).
MEADmead n. An alcoholic drink fermented from honey and water.
mead n. (US) A drink composed of syrup of sarsaparilla or other flavouring extract, and water, and sometimes…
mead n. (Poetic) A meadow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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