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There are 12 four-letter words containing A, G and P

GAMPgamp n. (UK, dated) An umbrella.
GAMP n. Abbreviation of gynandromorphophilia.
GAMP n. a large umbrella.
GAPEgape v. (Intransitive) To open the mouth wide, especially involuntarily, as in a yawn, anger, or surprise.
gape v. (Intransitive) To stare in wonder.
gape v. (Intransitive) To open wide; to display a gap.
GAPOGAPO n. (Tupi) in Peru, a riverside forest periodically flooded, also IGAPO.
GAPSgaps n. Plural of gap.
gaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gap.
GAP v. to make an opening in.
GAPYgapy adj. Gaping.
GAPY adj. infested with gapeworms.
GASPgasp v. (Intransitive) To draw in the breath suddenly, as if from a shock.
gasp v. (Intransitive) To breathe quickly or in a labored manner, as after exertion; to respire with heaving…
gasp v. (Transitive) To speak in a breathless manner.
GAUPgaup v. (Geordie) To stare, gape.
GAUP v. to stare stupidly, also GAWP, GORP.
GAWPgawp v. (Chiefly Britain) To stare stupidly or rudely; to gawk.
gawp n. (Britain) A stupefied or amazed stare.
GAWP v. to stare stupidly, also GAUP, GORP.
PAGEpage n. One of the many pieces of paper bound together within a book or similar document.
page n. One side of a paper leaf on which one has written or printed.
page n. (Figurative) Any record or writing; a collective memory.
PANGpang n. (Often in the plural) A paroxysm of extreme physical pain or anguish; a feeling of sudden and transitory…
pang n. (Often in the plural) A sudden sharp feeling of an emotional or mental nature, as of joy or sorrow.
pang v. (Transitive) To cause to have great pain or suffering; to torment, to torture.
PEAGpeag n. Wampum.
PEAG n. (Native American) a form of currency once used by North American Indians, also PEAGE.
SPAGspag n. (Informal) spaghetti.
SPAG n. (UK, education) Acronym of spelling, punctuation and grammar: a set of criteria used in marking certain examinations.
SPAG v. (of a cat) to scratch with the claws.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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