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There are 13 five-letter words containing A, M and V

AMOVEamove v. (Obsolete) To set in motion; to stir up, excite.
amove v. To remove (a person or thing) from a position.
amove v. (Law) To dismiss from an office or station.
MALVAmalva n. A plant of the genus Malva, a mallow.
Malva prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – mallows.
MALVA n. (Latin) any plant of the mallow family.
MARVYmarvy adj. (Colloquial) great, awesome, brilliant.
MARVY adj. marvellous.
MAUVEmauve n. (Historical) A bright purple synthetic dye.
mauve n. The colour of this dye; a pale purple or violet colour.
mauve adj. Having a pale purple colour.
MAVENmaven n. (Chiefly US) An expert in a given field.
MAVEN prop.n. (NASA, space science) Initialism of Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (a space probe designed…
MAVEN n. (US slang) an expert, a pundit, also MAVIN, MAYVIN.
MAVIEMAVIE n. the throstle or song thrush, also MAVIS.
MAVINmavin n. Alternative form of maven.
MAVIN n. (US slang) an expert, a pundit, also MAVEN, MAYVIN.
MAVISmavis n. (Poetic) song thrush.
Mavis prop.n. A female given name from English.
MAVIS n. the European throstle or song thrush, also MAVIE.
MIKVAmikva n. Alternative form of mikveh.
MIKVA n. (Hebrew) a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews, also MIKVAH, MIKVEH.
MURVAmurva n. Synonym of marool.
MURVA n. (Sanskrit) a bowstring hemp, also MOORVA.
VAMPSvamps n. Plural of vamp.
vamps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vamp.
VAMP v. to repair or patch.
VAMPYvampy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a vamp; tending toward indecency.
VAMPY adj. like a vamp, also VAMPISH.
VOEMAVOEMA n. (South African) vigour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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