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List of 4-letter words containing

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There are 5 four-letter words containing A, E, M and T

MATEmate n. A fellow, comrade, colleague, partner or someone with whom something is shared, e.g. shipmate, classmate.
mate n. (Especially of a non-human animal) A breeding partner.
mate n. (Colloquial, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, sometimes elsewhere in the Commonwealth) A friend…
MEATmeat n. (Uncountable) The flesh (muscle tissue) of an animal used as food.
meat n. (Countable) A type of meat, by anatomic position and provenance.
meat n. (Now archaic, dialectal) Food, for animals or humans, especially solid food. See also meat and drink.
METAmeta adj. (Informal) Self-referential; structured analogously (structured by relationships), but at a higher level.
meta n. Boundary marker.
meta n. (Historical) Either of the conical columns at each end of an Ancient Roman circus.
TAMEtame adj. Not or no longer wild; domesticated.
tame adj. (Chiefly of animals) Mild and well-behaved; accustomed to human contact.
tame adj. (Figurative) Of a person, well-behaved; not radical or extreme.
TEAMteam n. A set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage.
team n. Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially sports or work.
team n. (Obsolete) A group of animals moving together, especially young ducks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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