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There are 18 five-letter words containing 2A, G and R

AARGHaargh interj. Alternative form of argh.
AARGH interj. an exclamation indicating dismay, also AARRGH, AARRGHH, ARGH.
AGARSagars n. Plural of agar.
AGAR n. (Malay) a jelly prepared from seaweed.
AGORAagora n. A place for gathering.
agora n. A marketplace, especially in Classical Greece.
agora n. Since 1960, a monetary unit and coin of Israel, the 100th part of a shekel / sheqel.
AGRIAAgria prop.n. A surname.
AGRIA n. a skin condition with extensive pus blisters.
APGARApgar prop.n. A Dutch or North-German surname transferred from the given name.
APGAR n. (Emergency medicine) appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration (used to remember how to give…
APGAR adj. as in apgar score, a system for determining the condition of an infant at birth.
ARGALargal adv. Thus, therefore.
argal n. Crude tartar.
argal n. An argali (kind of sheep).
ARGANargan n. A tree (Argania spinosa) of southwestern Morocco, particularly prized for its oil.
argan n. The fruit of this tree.
ARGAN n. (Arabic) a Moroccan timber-tree; its oil-bearing seed.
DARGAdarga n. A Hebrew cantillation mark found in the Torah, the Haftarah, etc., resembling a backwards Z.
Darga prop.n. A surname.
DARGA n. (Hindi) the tomb of a Muslim saint, also DARGAH, DURGAH.
GARDAgarda n. (Ireland) A member of the national police force of the Republic of Ireland, the Gardaí.
Garda prop.n. The state police force of the Republic of Ireland.
Garda prop.n. (The title of) an Irish policeman.
GAZARgazar n. (Sewing) A silk organza, a lightweight fabric with a plain weave.
GAZAR n. (French) a stiff silk fabric, silk organza.
GRAALgraal n. Obsolete form of grail.
GRAAL n. the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper, also GRAIL, GRAYLE.
GRAMAgrama n. Various species of grass in the genus Bouteloua, including Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama).
GRAMA n. (Spanish) a kind of pasture grass found in the Western United States, also GRAMMA.
GRANAgrana n. Plural of granum.
GRANUM n. (Latin) a part of a plant chloroplast.
JAGRAjagra n. Alternative form of jaggery (“unrefined sugar”).
JAGRA n. (Hindi) a coarse, dark sugar, also JAGGARY, JAGGERY, JAGGHERY.
RAGASragas n. Plural of raga.
RAGA n. (Sanskrit) an Indian musical form.
RAGGAragga n. (Music) a subgenre of reggae that incorporates hip hop, rhythm and blues and sampling; dancehall.
RAGGA n. a type of rap music combining reggae and hip-hop, also RAGGAMUFFIN.
RANGAranga n. (Australia, New Zealand, slang, derogatory) An orange-haired or red-haired person.
RANGA n. (Australian) an offensive term for a person with red hair.
TARGATARGA n. (tradename) a car with a removable hard roof, which fits into the boot when not in use.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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