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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing A, B, L and U

ALBUMalbum n. (Historical) In Ancient Rome, a white tablet or register on which the praetor’s edicts and other public…
album n. A book specially designed to keep photographs, stamps, or autographs.
album n. A collection, especially of literary items.
BABULbabul n. A tree native to South Asia, Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica, formerly Acacia nilotica subsp. indica.
BABUL n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABLAH, BABOOL.
BALUNbalun n. An electronic device for connecting a balanced transmission line to an unbalanced one.
BALUN n. a device for coupling two electrical circuits.
BALUSBALU n. (Hindi) a bear, also BALOO.
BAULKbaulk n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of balk.
baulk v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of balk.
BAULK v. to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAUK.
BLAUDBLAUD n. (Scots) a fragment, a broken off piece.
BLAUD v. to strike, disfigure.
BUBALbubal n. An extinct subspecies of the hartebeest, Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus, which was formerly native…
BUBAL n. (Greek) a large antelope, also BUBALE, BUBALIS.
BULLAbulla n. (Biology, medicine) A blister, vesicle, or other thin-walled cavity or lesion, as…
bulla n. (Archaeology) A clay envelope or hollow ball, typically with seal impressions or writing on its outside…
bulla n. (Historical) In ancient Rome, a kind of amulet or boss.
TUBALtubal adj. Of or pertaining to a tube, especially an anatomical one.
TUBAL adj. in the form of a tube, also TUBAR, TUBATE, TUBULAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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