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There are 13 five-letter words containing A, B, L and Y

BADLYbadly adv. In a bad manner.
badly adv. Very much; to a great degree.
badly adj. (Northern England) Ill, unwell.
BALDYbaldy n. (Informal, derogatory) Someone who is bald.
BALDY n. a bald person.
BALDY adj. having no hair.
BALKYbalky adj. Refusing to proceed or cooperate.
BALKY adj. apt to balk; as, a balky horse, also BAULKY.
BALLYbally adj. (Britain, dated, euphemistic) Bloody (used as a mild intensifier).
bally adv. (UK, dated, euphemistic) Very.
bally n. (MLE) A balaclava.
BALMYbalmy adj. Producing balm.
balmy adj. Soothing or fragrant.
balmy adj. Of weather, mild and pleasant.
BAYLEBayle prop.n. A surname from French.
BAYLE n. a pole, a barrier separating horses in a field.
BELAYbelay v. (Transitive, intransitive, nautical) To make (a rope) fast by turning it around a fastening point such as a cleat.
belay v. (Transitive, climbing) To handle a climbing rope to prevent (a climber) from falling to the ground.
belay v. (Transitive) To lay aside; stop; cancel.
BIALYbialy n. A flat bread roll topped with onion flakes. Instead of a hole like a bagel, it has a depression in the middle.
BIALY n. (Yiddish) an onion roll, also BIALI.
BLADYblady adj. Consisting of blades.
BLADY adj. as in blady grass, a coarse Australian grass.
BLAYSblays n. Plural of blay.
Blays prop.n. Plural of Blay.
BLAY n. a small fish, also BLEY.
BOYLAboyla n. An Aboriginal witch doctor or sorcerer.
BOYLA n. (Native Australian) a witch doctor.
BYLAWbylaw n. A local custom or law of a settlement or district.
bylaw n. A rule made by a local authority to regulate its own affairs.
bylaw n. A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization (e.g., corporation or business).
LAMBYlamby adj. Resembling or characteristic of a lamb or the meat of a lamb.
lamby n. Alternative form of lambie.
LAMBY adj. resembling a lamb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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