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There are 14 five-letter words containing A, B, R and U

BAURSBaurs prop.n. Plural of Baur.
BAUR n. (Scots) a joke, amusing incident, also BAWR.
BURANburan n. Alternative form of borani.
Buran prop.n. A Soviet spacecraft, modeled after the American Space Shuttle.
BURAN n. (Russian) a violent blizzard blowing from the NE in Siberia and central Asia, also BURA.
BURASBURA n. (Russian) a violent blizzard blowing from the NE in Siberia and central Asia, also BURAN.
BURKAburka n. An Islamic garment that covers the whole body, which has a net screen covering the eyes so they cannot…
burka n. A dress made from felt or karakul (the short curly fur of young lambs of the breed of that name), traditionally…
BURKA n. (Urdu) a coverall worn by Muslim women, also BOORKA, BOURKHA, BURQA.
BURQAburqa n. Alternative spelling of burka.
BURQA n. (Urdu) a coverall worn by Muslim women, also BURKA, BOORKA, BOURKHA.
BURSAbursa n. (Anatomy) Any of the many small fluid-filled sacs located at the point where a muscle or tendon slides…
Bursa prop.n. The capital city of Bursa Province, in northwestern Turkey.
Bursa prop.n. A province in northwestern Turkey.
FUBARfubar adj. Alternative form of FUBAR.
fubar n. Alternative form of foobar.
FUBAR adj. (Slang) Fucked up (or, bowdlerized, fouled up) beyond all recognition (or beyond all repair, or beyond…
RUBAIrubai n. (Poetry) A quatrain in classical Arabic, Persian, Turkic or Urdu poetry.
ruba'i n. Alternative spelling of rubai.
RUBAI n. (Arabic) a Persian verse-form, a four-line stanza.
RUMBArumba n. A slow-paced Cuban partner dance in 4:4 time.
rumba v. To dance the rumba.
RUMBA v. (Spanish) to perform a kind of dance, also RHUMBA.
TUBARtubar adj. (Biology) Of or relating to a tube.
TUBAR adj. in the form of a tube, also TUBAL, TUBATE, TUBULAR.
UMBRAumbra n. The fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object.
umbra n. (Astronomy) The central region of a sunspot.
umbra n. (Chiefly literary) A shadow.
UNBARunbar v. (Transitive) To unlock or unbolt a door that had been locked or bolted with a bar.
unbar v. (Transitive) To remove an impediment that obstructs the passage of (someone or something).
unbar v. (Transitive) To remove a prohibition.
URBANurban adj. Related to the (or any) city.
urban adj. Characteristic of city life.
urban adj. (US, proscribed, outdated) Relating to contemporary African American culture, especially in music.
URBIAURBIA n. (Latin) cities collectively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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