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There are 9 five-letter words containing A, C, E and F

CAFEScafes n. Plural of cafe.
CAFEs n. Plural of CAFE.
cafés n. Plural of café.
CHAFEchafe n. Heat excited by friction.
chafe n. Injury or wear caused by friction.
chafe n. Vexation; irritation of mind; rage.
DECAFdecaf n. (Informal) A decaffeinated coffee, tea, or soft drink.
DECAF n. (short for) decaffeinated coffee, also DECAFF.
FACEDfaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of face.
faced adj. (In combination) Having a specified type or number of faces.
faced adj. Having the outer surface dressed, with the front, as of a dress, covered ornamentally with another material.
FACERfacer n. An unexpected and stunning blow or defeat.
facer n. (Obsolete) One who faces; one who puts on a false show; a bold-faced person.
facer n. (Obsolete) A blow in the face, as in boxing; hence, any severe or stunning check or defeat, as in controversy.
FACESfaces n. Plural of face.
faces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of face.
FACE v. to confront.
FACETfacet n. Any one of the flat surfaces cut into a gem.
facet n. One among many similar or related, yet still distinct things.
facet n. One of a series of things, such as steps in a project.
FARCEfarce n. (Uncountable) A style of humor marked by broad improbabilities with little regard to regularity or method.
farce n. (Countable) A motion picture or play featuring this style of humor.
farce n. (Uncountable) A situation abounding with ludicrous incidents.
FECALfecal adj. Of or relating to feces.
FECAL adj. relating to feces, also FAECAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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