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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, B, G and M

AMBAGEambage n. (Especially in plural) ambiguity; circumlocution.
AMBAGE n. (French) ambiguity.
BAGMANbagman n. (Informal) A person who collects, transports, or distributes illicit money, especially for the purpose…
bagman n. An assistant to a police detective, most commonly in the British police force.
bagman n. (Australia, slang) A bookmaker.
BAGMENbagmen n. Plural of bagman.
bag␣men n. Plural of bag man (alternative spelling of bagmen).
BAGMAN n. a travelling salesman.
BIGAMYbigamy n. The state of having two (legal or illegal) spouses simultaneously.
bigamy n. (Ecclesiastical law, historical) A second marriage after the death of a spouse.
BIGAMY n. the crime of being married to two people at once.
BOGMANBOGMAN n. the body of a man preserved in peat.
BREGMAbregma n. (Anatomy) the anatomical structure on the skull where the coronal suture and sagittal suture meet.
BREGMA n. (Greek) the point of junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures of the skull.
BUMBAGbumbag n. Alternative spelling of bum bag.
bum␣bag n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) A small pouch attached to a belt that is worn on the outside…
BUMBAG n. a small bag, usually worn on a belt round the waist.
GAMBASgambas n. Plural of gamba.
Gambas prop.n. Plural of Gamba.
GAMBA n. (Italian) a bass viol.
GAMBESgambes n. Plural of gambe.
GAMBE n. in heraldry, a beast's whole leg, also GAMB.
GAMBETgambet n. Any bird of the obsolete genus Totanus, now principally in genus Tringa; a tattler.
GAMBET n. (Italian) a red-legged wading bird, the redshank, also GAMBETTA.
GAMBIAGambia prop.n. A river in West Africa.
Gambia prop.n. A country in West Africa. Official name: Republic of The Gambia.
GAMBIA n. (Malay) the inspissated juice of a plant growing in Malacca, used for tanning and dyeing, also GAMBIER, GAMBIR.
GAMBIRgambir n. Alternative form of gambier.
GAMBIR n. (Malay) the inspissated juice of a plant growing in Malacca, used for tanning and dyeing, also GAMBIA, GAMBIER.
GAMBITgambit n. (Chess) An opening in chess in which a minor piece or a pawn is sacrificed to gain an advantage.
gambit n. Any ploy or stratagem.
gambit n. A remark intended to open a conversation.
GAMBLEgamble n. A bet or wager.
gamble n. A significant risk, undertaken with a potential gain.
gamble n. A risky venture.
GAMBOLgambol v. (Intransitive) To move about playfully; to frolic.
gambol v. (Britain, West Midlands) To do a forward roll.
gambol n. An instance of running or skipping about playfully.
GAMBOSgambos n. Plural of gambo.
GAMBO n. (Welsh) a simple farm cart or hay-wagon.
GIMBALgimbal n. A device for suspending something, such as a ship’s compass, so that it will remain level when its support…
gimbal v. (Transitive) To suspend using a gimbal or gimbals.
gimbal v. (Transitive, aerospace) To move a reaction engine about on a gimbal so as to obtain pitching and yawing…
GYMBALgymbal n. Alternative form of gimbal.
GYMBAL n. a contrivance with self-aligning bearings for keeping e.g. ship's instruments horizontal, also GIMBAL.
MANBAGmanbag n. Alternative spelling of man-bag.
man-bag n. The equivalent of a woman’s small handbag designed for use by men, having compartments for mobile phones etc.
man␣bag n. Alternative form of man-bag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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