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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, C and 2O

ACHOOSachoos n. Plural of achoo.
ACHOOs n. Plural of ACHOO.
ACHOO n. an imitation of the sound of a sneeze, also AHCHOO, ATISHOO.
AHCHOOahchoo interj. Alternative spelling of achoo.
ah-choo interj. Uncommon spelling of achoo.
AHCHOO interj. expressing a sneeze.
ALCOOLalcool n. (Canada) grain alcohol, everclear.
ALCOOL n. (French) a form of pure grain spirit distilled in Quebec.
CACOONcacoon n. The bean-like seed of a tropical vine (Entada rheedei), used as a hallucinogen and in traditional medicine…
CACOON n. the large seed of a tropical climber of the mimosa family.
CAHOOTcahoot n. (Uncommon) A group of people working together (usually for an illicit purpose).
cahoot n. (Uncommon) An accomplice; a partner.
cahoot n. (US, uncommon) A company or partnership.
CASHOOcashoo n. Alternative form of catechu.
CASHOO n. (Malay) a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CACHOU, CUTCH, KUTCH.
COCOAScocoas n. Plural of cocoa.
COCOA n. the seed of the cacao or chocolate tree.
CORONAcorona n. A large, round, pendent chandelier, with spikes around its upper rim to hold candles or lamps, usually…
corona n. (Anatomy) An upper or crownlike portion of certain parts of the body.
corona n. (Architecture) The large, flat, projecting member of a cornice which crowns the entablature, situated…
OCTAVOoctavo n. (Paper, printing) A sheet of paper 7 to 10 inches (= 17.78 to 25.4 cm) high and 4.5 to 6 inches (= 11…
octavo n. (Printing) A book of octavo pages.
OCTAVO n. (Latin) a page size, also EIGHTVO.
OOMIACoomiac n. Alternative spelling of umiak.
OOMIAC n. (Inuit) an Inuit canoe, also OOMIACK, OOMIAK, UMIAC, UMIACK, UMIAK, UMIAQ.
POONACpoonac n. A kind of oil cake prepared from the coconut.
POONAC n. (Tamil) a kind of oil cake prepared from the coconut, and fed to cattle.
RACOONracoon n. Alternative spelling of raccoon.
RACOON n. a small American animal related to the bears, also RACCOON.
ZOCALOzocalo n. A town square or marketplace, especially in Mexico.
ZOCALO n. (Spanish) in Mexico, a public square or plaza.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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