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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, N, T and V

ADVENTadvent n. Arrival; onset; a time when something first comes or appears.
Advent prop.n. (Christianity) The first or the expected second coming of Christ.
Advent prop.n. (Christianity) The period or season of the Christian church year between Advent Sunday and Christmas.
AVANTIAvanti prop.n. (Historical) An ancient Indian realm roughly corresponding to the present-day Malwa region.
Avanti n. (Historical) One of the ancient inhabitants of this realm.
AVANTI interj. (Italian) go forward.
AVAUNTavaunt interj. (Archaic) Begone; depart; used in contempt or abhorrence.
avaunt n. (Obsolete) A vaunt; a boast.
avaunt v. (Obsolete) To advance; to move forward; to elevate.
LEVANTlevant n. A disappearing or absconding after losing a bet.
levant v. To abscond or run away, especially to avoid paying money or debts.
levant adj. (Heraldry) Rising, of an animal.
MOVANTmovant n. (Law) The party who moves for the judge to rule in favor of a motion.
MOVANT n. a person who applies to a court for a favorable ruling.
NATIVEnative adj. Belonging to one by birth.
native adj. Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from prehistoric times.
native adj. Alternative letter-case form of Native (of or relating to the native inhabitants of the Americas, or of Australia).
NOVATEnovate v. To replace something with something new.
novate v. (Law) To replace a contract (especially a financial contract) with one or more new contracts.
NOVATE v. to substitute a new obligation for an existing one.
SATNAVsatnav n. (Informal) A satellite navigation system.
satnav n. (Informal) A satellite navigation system receiver.
satnav n. (Informal) A civilian GPS receiver.
SAVANTsavant n. A person of learning, especially one who is versed in literature or science.
savant n. A person who is considered eminent because of their achievements.
savant n. A person with significant mental disabilities who is very gifted in one area of activity, such as playing…
TAVERNtavern n. (Dated) A building containing a bar licensed to sell alcoholic drinks, and usually offering accommodation.
Tavern prop.n. (Oxford University slang, obsolete) New Inn Hall, Oxford, one of the earliest medieval halls of the…
TAVERN n. an ale house.
VACANTvacant adj. Not occupied; empty.
vacant adj. Showing no intelligence or interest.
VACANT adj. empty.
VANITYvanity n. That which is vain, futile, or worthless; that which is of no value, use or profit.
vanity n. Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own abilities, appearance, achievements, or possessions.
vanity n. A dressing table used to apply makeup, preen, and coif hair. The table is normally quite low and similar…
VATMANvatman n. (Papermaking) The employee responsible for gathering pulp from the vat on the mould in papermaking.
VATman n. (Informal, Britain) The embodiment of the VAT taxation department.
VATMAN n. an employee of the Customs and Excise Board responsible for collecting VAT.
VATMENvatmen n. Plural of vatman.
VATmen n. Plural of VATman.
VATMAN n. an employee of the Customs and Excise Board responsible for collecting VAT.
VAUNTSvaunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vaunt.
vaunts n. Plural of vaunt.
VAUNT v. to boast.
VAUNTYvaunty adj. (Archaic) vaunting; boastful.
VAUNTY adj. boastful, also VAUNTIE, VAWNTIE.
VOLANTvolant adj. (Heraldry) Having extended wings as if flying.
volant adj. (Heraldry) Represented as unsupported in the air.
volant adj. Flying, or able to fly.
VORANTvorant adj. (Heraldry, of an animal) devouring something.
VORANT adj. devouring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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