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There are 9 six-letter words containing A, O, Q and U

LOQUATloquat n. The Eriobotrya japonica tree.
loquat n. The fruit of this tree. It is as large as a small plum, but grows in clusters, and contains four or five large seeds.
LOQUAT n. (Chinese) a Chinese and Japanese tree or its small, yellow, edible fruit.
OPAQUEopaque adj. Neither reflecting nor emitting light.
opaque adj. Allowing little light to pass through, not translucent or transparent.
opaque adj. (Figuratively) Unclear, unintelligible, hard to get or explain the meaning of.
QUAHOGquahog n. An edible clam with a hard shell found along the Atlantic Coast of North America, from species Mercenaria…
quahog n. A similar edible clam found along coasts around the North Atlantic, generally in deeper waters, the…
quahog v. (Intransitive) To dig for quahogs.
QUANGOquango n. (UK, government) An organization that, although financed by a government, acts independently of it.
QUANGO n. a quasi-autonomous nongovernmental organization.
QUARTOquarto n. (Paper) A size of paper (7.5"-10" x 10"-12.5" or 190-254 x 254-312 mm). Formed by folding and cutting…
quarto n. (Printing) A book size, corresponding to the paper size.
QUARTO n. a book size made by folding sheet into four leaves.
QUINOAquinoa n. A goosefoot (Chenopodium quinoa) native to the Andes and cultivated for its edible seeds.
quinoa n. The high-protein dried fruits and seeds of this plant, used as a food staple and ground into flour.
QUINOA n. (Quechua) a South American goosefoot, with seeds used as rice.
QUOKKAquokka n. A cat-sized marsupial, Setonix brachyurus, of southwestern Australia.
QUOKKA n. (Native Australian) a small marsupial found in West Australia.
QUOTASquotas n. Plural of quota.
QUOTA n. (Latin) a proportional share, a part assigned.
QUOTHAquotha interj. (Archaic) Forsooth; indeed.
QUOTHA interj. (archaic) an expression of surprise or contempt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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