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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, H, R and X

ANTHRAXanthrax n. (Pathology) An acute infectious disease of herbivores, especially sheep and cattle, caused by Bacillus anthracis.
anthrax n. The human disease that can occur in humans through contact with infected herbivores, tissue from infected…
Anthrax prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bombyliidae – bee flies.
EXARCHSexarchs n. Plural of exarch.
EXARCH n. a Byzantine provincial governor.
EXARCHYexarchy n. The jurisdiction of an exarch (any definition); an exarchate.
exarchy n. (Botany) A vascular system in which development starts in the regions farthest from the axis and spreads inward.
EXARCHY n. the domain of an exarch.
EXHEDRAexhedra n. Alternative form of exedra.
EXHEDRA n. (Latin) a semicircular bench beside an episcopal throne, also EXEDRA.
HEXARCHhexarch n. The ruler of one of the parts of a hexarchy.
HEXARCH adj. of a vascular bundle, having six strands of xylem, formed from six points of origin.
HOAXERShoaxers n. Plural of hoaxer.
HOAXER n. one that hoaxes.
HYRAXEShyraxes n. Plural of hyrax.
HYRAX n. (Greek) a small, harelike mammal, also HYRACOID.
NARTHEXnarthex n. (Architecture) A western vestibule leading to the nave in some Christian churches.
Narthex prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Apiaceae – umbelliferous plants, now included in Ferula…
NARTHEX n. (Greek) a small entrance or porch to a church.
OXHEARToxheart n. A large heart-shaped cherry.
OXHEART n. a large heart-shaped cherry, either black, red, or white.
PHARYNXpharynx n. (Anatomy) The part of the alimentary canal and respiratory tract that extends from the back of the mouth…
pharynx n. (Zootomy) The part of the alimentary canal immediately behind the mouth in invertebrates that may be…
PHARYNX n. (Greek) a section of the digestive tract.
SAXHORNsaxhorn n. (Music) Any of a group of similar brass instruments, resembling a bugle in shape, but with valves.
SAXHORN n. a brass wind instrument.
XERARCHxerarch adj. Of or pertaining to xerosere.
xerarch adj. Growing in dry places.
XERARCH adj. developing in a dry area.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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