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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, 2I and W

AIRWISEairwise adj. Competent and familiar with aircraft or air travel.
AIRWISE adj. skillful in aviation.
GWINIADgwiniad n. Alternative form of gwyniad.
GWINIAD n. (Welsh) a fish of North Wales and northern Europe, aka powan, allied to the lake whitefish, also GWYNIAD.
KAWAIISKAWAII n. (Japanese) in Japanese culture, the quality of being cute.
LEWISIAlewisia n. Any plant of the genus Lewisia.
LEWISIA n. a perennial herb with pink and white flowers.
TAUIWISTAUIWI n. (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand.
TAWHIRITAWHIRI n. (Maori) a small New Zealand tree with wavy glossy dark green leaves.
WAIFINGwaifing v. Present participle of waif.
WAIF v. to cast up as a waif.
WAIFISHwaifish adj. Waiflike.
WAIFISH adj. like a waif.
WAILINGwailing n. A loud drawn out scream or howl.
wailing v. Present participle of wail.
WAILING adj. making a wailing sound.
WAININGwaining v. Present participle of wain.
WAIN v. (obsolete) to carry, convey.
WAIRINGwairing v. Present participle of wair.
WAIR v. to spend.
WAITINGwaiting v. Present participle of wait.
waiting n. (Obsolete) Watching.
waiting n. The act of staying or remaining in expectation.
WAIVINGwaiving v. Present participle of waive.
WAIVE v. to refrain from claiming.
WAKIKISWAKIKI n. (Melanesian) shell money.
WAPITISwapitis n. Plural of wapiti.
WAPITI n. (Native American) a species of large deer native to North America.
WILLIAMWilliam prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages popular since the Norman Conquest.
William prop.n. A surname.
WILLIAM n. as in sweet william, a flowering plant.
WIRILDAwirilda n. An Australian acacia tree, Acacia retinodes, which has edible seeds.
WIRILDA n. (Native Australian) an Australian acacia tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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