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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, J, O and T

ABJOINTabjoint v. (Transitive, botany, mycology) To form by cutting off as a protrusion from a parent cell.
abjoint v. (Intransitive, botany, mycology) To separate from the hypha of a fungus by the formation of a septum.
ABJOINT v. to cut off by forming a septum.
ADJOINTadjoint adj. (Mathematics) Used in certain contexts, in each case involving a pair of transformations, one of which…
adjoint adj. (Mathematics, category theory, of a functor) That is related to another functor by an adjunction.
adjoint adj. (Geometry, of one curve to another curve) Having a relationship of the nature of an adjoint (adjoint…
COTIJAScotijas n. Plural of cotija.
COTIJA n. a kind of Mexican cheese.
JACKPOTjackpot n. A money prize pool which accumulates until the conditions are met for it to be won.
jackpot n. A large cash prize or money.
jackpot n. An unexpected windfall or reward.
JACONETjaconet n. A type of cotton cloth, especially as dyed and waterproofed.
JACONET n. (Hindi) a kind of thin cotton fabric, esp. with one side glazed.
JAMPOTSjampots n. Plural of jampot.
JAMPOT n. a jar for jam, also JAMJAR.
JANITORjanitor n. (Chiefly US) Someone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building.
janitor n. A doorman.
janitor n. (Internet slang, 4chan, sometimes derogatory) A moderator for a discussion forum.
MAJORATmajorat n. (Law) primogeniture.
majorat n. (Law) property that descends with a title.
MAJORAT n. (French) primogeniture, the circumstance of being firstborn.
TOLARJItolarji n. Plural of tolar.
TOLAR n. (Slovene) the standard monetary unit of Slovenia.
TROJANStrojans n. Plural of trojan.
Trojans n. Plural of Trojan.
TROJAN n. a computer program that gets access to a computer or system by appearing to be harmless, but is designed to do something damaging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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