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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, J and U

BANJULELEbanjulele n. Alternative form of banjolele.
BANJULELE n. a small banjo with gut strings, also BANJOLELE.
BLUEJACKSbluejacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bluejack.
BLUEJACK n. a kind of oak tree.
BLUEJEANSbluejeans n. Alternative spelling of blue jeans.
blue␣jeans n. A pair of trousers made from denim cotton and dyed dark blue.
BLUEJEANS n. blue denim jeans.
INJURABLEinjurable adj. Capable of being injured.
INJURABLE adj. that can be injured.
JACOBUSESJacobuses n. Plural of Jacobus.
JACOBUS n. (historical) an English gold coin, struck in the reign of James I.
JAMBUSTERjambuster n. (Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario) A doughnut filled with jam.
JAMBUSTER n. (Canadian) a jelly-filled doughnut.
JUBILANCEjubilance n. Jubilation.
JUBILANCE n. jubilation, also JUBILANCY.
JUBILANCYjubilancy n. (Rare) Jubilation.
JUBILANCY n. jubilation, also JUBILANCE.
JUBILATEDjubilated v. Simple past tense and past participle of jubilate.
JUBILATE v. to rejoice.
JUBILATESjubilates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jubilate.
JUBILATE v. to rejoice.
JUDGEABLEjudgeable adj. Capable of being judged.
JUDGEABLE adj. able to be judged.
JUDICABLEjudicable adj. Capable of being judged; capable of being tried or decided upon.
JUDICABLE adj. capable of being judged or tried.
KABELJOUSkabeljous n. Plural of kabeljou.
KABELJOU n. (South African) a large South African fish, also KABELJOUW.
KABELJOUWkabeljouw n. Alternative form of kabeljou.
KABELJOUW n. (South African) a large South African fish, also KABELJOU.
OBJURGATEobjurgate v. (Transitive) To rebuke or scold strongly.
OBJURGATE v. to scold or rebuke sharply, to berate.
SUBJACENTsubjacent adj. Lying beneath or at a lower level; underlying.
SUBJACENT adj. lying under or below something.
SUBJUGATEsubjugate v. (Transitive) To forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon.
subjugate adj. In a subjugated position.
SUBJUGATE v. to bring under the yoke; to make subservient.
UNABJUREDunabjured adj. Not abjured.
UNABJURED adj. not abjured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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