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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, F, H and L

CHAINFALLSchainfalls n. Plural of chainfall.
CHAINFALL n. a type of hoist.
CHALKFACESchalkfaces n. Plural of chalkface.
CHALKFACE n. as in the phrase at the chalkface, i.e. in the classroom, as the centre of a teacher's activities.
CHAPFALLENchapfallen adj. Crestfallen, dejected.
CHAPFALLEN adj. dejected, dispirited, also CHOPFALLEN.
EARTHFALLSearthfalls n. Plural of earthfall.
EARTHFALL n. a landslide.
FATHERLANDfatherland n. The country of one’s ancestors.
fatherland n. The country of one’s birth, origin.
FATHERLAND n. the native land or country of one's father or ancestors.
FATHOMABLEfathomable adj. Able to be fathomed.
FATHOMABLE adj. that can be fathomed.
FLASHBACKSflashbacks n. Plural of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
FLASHBANGSflashbangs n. Plural of flashbang.
flash-bangs n. Plural of flash-bang.
flash␣bangs n. Plural of flash bang.
FLASHBOARDflashboard n. (US) A board placed temporarily upon a milldam, to raise the water in the pond above its usual level.
FLASHBOARD n. one of a set of boards set up at the sides of a water channel to deepen it.
FLASHCARDSflashcards n. Plural of flashcard.
flash␣cards n. Plural of flash card.
FLASHCARD n. a card shown briefly as a memory test.
FLASHLAMPSflashlamps n. Plural of flashlamp.
FLASHLAMP n. an electric torch.
FLATSHARESflatshares n. Plural of flatshare.
FLATSHARE n. an arrangement whereby a flat is shared.
FLATWASHESFLATWASH n. laundry that can be ironed mechanically, also FLATWORK.
HALFTRACKShalftracks n. Plural of halftrack.
half-tracks n. Plural of half-track.
HALFTRACK n. a vehicle with caterpillar tracks and wheels.
KHALIFATESkhalifates n. Plural of khalifate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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