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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, F and 3N

ANTENNIFORMantenniform adj. Having the shape of an antenna.
ANTENNIFORM adj. shaped like an antenna.
COFINANCINGcofinancing v. Present participle of cofinance.
COFINANCE v. to finance in collaboration with another.
FAWNINGNESSfawningness n. Tendency to fawn; obsequious behaviour.
FAWNINGNESS n. the state of being fawning.
FLANNELLINGflannelling v. Present participle of flannel.
FLANNEL v. to cover with a soft fabric.
FOUNTAININGfountaining v. Present participle of fountain.
FOUNTAIN v. to display water like small waterfalls.
FRANGIPANNIfrangipanni n. Archaic form of frangipani.
FRANGIPANNI n. a showy, fragrant shrub; a perfume; an almond-filled pastry, also FRANGIPANE, FRANGIPANI.
INFANTRYMANinfantryman n. (Military) a soldier employed in an infantry role.
infantryman n. (By restriction) a male soldier of the infantry.
INFANTRYMAN n. an infantry soldier.
INFANTRYMENinfantrymen n. Plural of infantryman.
INFANTRYMAN n. an infantry soldier.
NONAFFLUENTnonaffluent adj. Not affluent.
NONAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
NONFEASANCEnonfeasance n. (Law) The intentional failure to perform an official duty or legal requirement.
nonfeasance n. (Law) The lack of liability associated with the failure to act.
NONFEASANCE n. failure to perform an act or obligation.
REFINANCINGrefinancing v. Present participle of refinance.
refinancing n. (Finance) One or more loans or other borrowings that repay and replace previous financings.
REFINANCING n. the act of financing again.
UNFASTENINGunfastening v. Present participle of unfasten.
UNFASTEN v. to release from a fastening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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