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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing A, C, E, F and I

BIFACEbiface n. (Archaeology) A double-sided stone tool.
BIFACE n. a type of prehistoric stone implement flaked on both faces.
FACIAEFACIA n. an architectural band, also FASCIA.
FACIESfacies n. General appearance.
facies n. (Medicine) Facial features, like an expression or complexion, typical for patients having certain diseases…
facies n. (Geology) A body of rock with specified characteristics reflecting its formation, composition, age…
FACILEfacile adj. Easy, now especially in a disparaging sense; contemptibly easy.
facile adj. (Now rare) Amiable, flexible, easy to get along with.
facile adj. Effortless, fluent (Of work, abilities etc.).
FARCIEFARCIE adj. (French) stuffed, as with ground meat, also FARCI.
FECIALfecial n. Alternative spelling of fetial.
fecial adj. Alternative spelling of fetial.
FECIAL n. (Latin) a priest of ancient Rome, also FETIAL, FETIALIS.
FIACREfiacre n. (Historical) A small horse-drawn carriage for hire; a hackney carriage.
FIACRE n. (French) a small hackney carriage.
FIANCEfiance n. Alternative spelling of fiancé.
fiance v. (Obsolete) To betroth; to affiance.
fiancé n. A man who is engaged to be married; the man to whom one is engaged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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