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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, C, H, I and S

CAPISHcapish interj. (US) Alternative form of capisce.
CAPISH interj. used to ask if one understands, also CAPEESH, CAPICHE, CAPISCE.
CHAINSchains n. Plural of chain.
chains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chain.
Chains prop.n. Plural of Chain.
CHAIRSchairs n. Plural of chair.
chairs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chair.
CHAIR v. to install in office.
CHAISEchaise n. An open, horse-drawn carriage for one or two people, usually with one horse and two wheels.
chaise n. A chaise longue.
chaise n. A post chaise.
CHIAOSChiaos prop.n. Plural of Chiao.
CHIAO n. (Chinese) a Chinese monetary unit, one tenth of a yuan, also JIAO.
CHIASMchiasm n. Alternative form of chiasma.
chiasm n. Alternative form of chiasmus.
CHIASM n. (Greek) a commissure; esp. the optic commissure, or crucial union of the optic nerves, also CHIASMA.
CHIAUSchiaus n. (Historical) An Ottoman Empire court official; an attendant, messenger, herald, interpreter.
chiaus n. (Historical) An Ottoman Empire çavuş (“sergeant”).
chiaus n. Obsolete spelling of chouse (“a swindler”).
CHICASchicas n. Plural of chica.
Chicas prop.n. Plural of Chica.
CHICA n. an orange-red dyestuff used by South American Indians, also CHICHA, CHICO.
CHINASchinas n. Plural of china.
Chinas prop.n. Plural of China.
Chinas n. (Historical) A people mentioned in ancient Indian literature from the first millennium BC and first…
HACHISHACHIS n. (French) a hash, a mess.
HAICKShaicks n. Plural of haick.
HAICK n. (Arabic) an Arab head covering, also HAIK, HAIQUE, HYKE.
ISCHIAischia n. Plural of ischium.
Ischia prop.n. An island in the Bay of Naples.
Ischia prop.n. The major town on this island.
LAICHSLAICH n. (Scots) a piece of low-lying ground; a hollow, also LAIGH.
PHASICphasic adj. Of or relating to phase…
phasic adj. (Physiology) Describing the discontinuous activity of excitable cells or tissues…
PHASIC adj. relating to a phase.
RACHISrachis n. (Obsolete, zoology, anatomy) The spinal column, or the vertebrae of the spine.
rachis n. (Zoology) An anatomical shaft or axis in a marine invertebrate.
rachis n. (Ornithology) The central shaft of a feather.
SCAITHscaith n. (Scotland) Injury; wound.
scaith v. (Scotland) To injure; to wound.
SCAITH v. (Old Norse) to injure, also SCATH, SCATHE, SKAITH.
SIMCHAsimcha n. (Judaism) joy.
simcha n. (Judaism) a joyous occasion, celebration.
SIMCHA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish private party.
TAISCHtaisch n. Second sight; the involuntary ability of seeing the future or distant events.
taisch n. The sound of the voice of a person about to die, heard supernaturally by somebody not present at the scene.
TAISCH n. (Gaelic) an apparition of someone about to die, also TAISH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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