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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, E, G, P and R

GAPERSgapers n. Plural of gaper.
GAPER n. a mollusc with a shell gaping at each end.
GAPIERGAPY adj. infested with gapeworms.
GAPPERgapper n. (Baseball) A ball hit through the regions between the outfielders.
gapper n. Someone who is on or has done a gap year, or a break from study.
GAPPER n. a person taking a year out between school and further education.
GASPERgasper n. Agent noun of gasp; a person or animal that gasps.
gasper n. Something that causes one to gasp in shock, suspense, or awe.
gasper n. (Britain, slang) A cigarette.
GAUPERGAUPER n. one that gaups, also GAWPER.
GAWPERgawper n. One who gawps.
GAWPER n. one that gawps, also GAUPER.
GRAPEDgraped v. Simple past tense and past participle of grape.
GRAPE v. (Scots) to grope.
GRAPESgrapes n. Plural of grape.
grapes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grape.
Grapes prop.n. A surname.
GRAPEYgrapey adj. Resembling grapes, grape-like.
grapey adj. Of, or pertaining to, grapes.
GRAPEY adj. resembling grapes, also GRAPY.
GRAPLEgraple v. Obsolete form of grapple.
GRAPLE n. (Spenser) a grapple, also CRAPLE.
PAGERSpagers n. Plural of pager.
PAGER n. an electronic device, esp. portable, which pages a person, e.g. by means of a bleep, visual display etc.
PARAGEparage n. (Archaic) Lineage, parentage; rank, especially as high or noble.
parage n. A feudal institution that recognizes equality of rights and status between two rulers, and equality…
parage n. A woman’s marriage portion or dowry.
PARGEDparged v. Simple past tense and past participle of parge.
PARGE v. to cover with plaster, also PARGET.
PARGESparges n. Plural of parge.
PARGE v. to cover with plaster, also PARGET.
PARGETparget v. To coat with gypsum; to plaster, for example walls, or the interior of flues.
parget v. (Obsolete) To paint; to cover over.
parget n. Gypsum.
SPARGEsparge v. To sprinkle or spray.
sparge v. (Transitive) To introduce bubbles into (a liquid).
sparge n. (Brewing) Synonym of lautering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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