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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2A, E, K and R

ARABESKarabesk n. Obsolete form of arabesque.
ARABESK n. a design of intertwined floral figures.
BACKAREbackare interj. Alternative form of baccare.
BACKARE interj. (Shakespeare) back! Stand back! give place, also BACCARE.
CARCAKEcarcake n. A traditional Scottish delicacy, a sort of cake made from the milk of a newly-calved cow mixed with…
CARCAKE n. (Scots) a small cake baked with eggs, eaten on Shrove Tuesday in parts of Scotland.
EARMARKearmark v. (Transitive) To mark (sheep or other animals) by slitting the ear.
earmark v. (Transitive, by extension) To specify or set aside for a particular purpose, to allocate.
earmark n. A mark or deformation of the ear of an animal, intended to indicate ownership.
HAYRAKEhayrake n. A rake for collecting hay; especially, a large rake drawn by a horse or horses.
hayrake v. To collect hay with a rake of this kind.
HAYRAKE n. a large rake for collecting hay.
KAMERADkamerad v. (Intransitive) To surrender, as a German in World War II.
KAMERAD v. (German) to surrender.
KARAOKEkaraoke n. (Uncountable) A form of entertainment popular in clubs, at parties, etc, in which individual members…
karaoke n. (Countable) A karaoke session.
karaoke n. (Countable) A karaoke parlour.
KARATESkarates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of karate.
KARATE n. (Japanese) a Japanese art of self-defense.
KAYAKERkayaker n. One who kayaks.
KAYAKER n. one that rides in a kayak.
KEASARSkeasars n. Plural of keasar.
KEASAR n. (obsolete) an emperor, also KAISER, KESAR.
KERBAYAKERBAYA n. (Malay) a blouse worn by Malay women.
KRAALEDkraaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of kraal.
KRAAL v. to pen, also CRAAL.
PARBAKEparbake v. (Transitive, cooking) To bake (bread or dough) partially so it can be rapidly frozen for storage.
PARBAKE v. to bake partially.
PARKADEparkade n. (Canada, South Africa) A multilevel parking garage.
PARKADE n. (Canadian) a multilevel structure for parking vehicles.
PARTAKEpartake v. (Intransitive, formal) To take part in an activity; to participate.
partake v. (Intransitive) To take a share or portion (of or in).
partake v. (Intransitive, archaic) To have something of the properties, character, or office (of).
REAWAKEreawake v. To wake up again.
REAWAKE v. to awake again.
SEAMARKseamark n. Any elevated object on land which serves as a guide to mariners, such as a hill or steeple.
seamark n. A beacon, buoy, etc. placed in the sea to aid navigation.
sea␣mark n. Alternative spelling of seamark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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