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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2A, F, I and N

AFFIANTaffiant n. (Law) The individual witness whose statement is contained in an affidavit or sworn deposition.
AFFIANT n. one who makes a written declaration under oath.
AFFINALaffinal adj. (Anthropology) Of a family relationship by marriage of a relative (or through affinity), as opposed…
AFFINAL adj. related by marriage.
AFGHANIafghani n. The monetary currency of Afghanistan, divided into 100 pul.
Afghani n. Alternative letter-case form of afghani (“Afghanistan’s unit of currency”).
Afghani n. (Uncommon) An Afghan; a native, inhabitant or national of Afghanistan.
ANTIFASantifas n. Plural of antifa.
ANTIFA n. an antifascist organization; a member of an antifascist organization.
ANTIFATantifat adj. (Dated) Counteracting fat; having a slimming effect; antiobesity.
antifat adj. Opposed to obese people; fattist.
ANTIFAT adj. designed to reduce fat.
FANATICfanatic adj. Fanatical.
fanatic adj. (Obsolete) Showing evidence of possession by a god or demon; frenzied, overzealous.
fanatic n. A person who is zealously enthusiastic for some cause, especially in religion.
FANTAILfantail n. Any of several birds, of the genus Rhipidura, from Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
fantail n. Any of several domestic varieties of pigeon having a fan-shaped tail.
fantail n. Any of several goldfish having a large fan-shaped tail.
FARINASfarinas n. Plural of farina.
Farinas prop.n. Plural of Farina.
FARINA n. (Latin) a fine flour or meal made from cereal grains, also FARINHA.
FARINHAfarinha n. Alternative form of farina.
FARINHA n. (Latin) a fine flour or meal made from cereal grains, also FARINA.
INFANTAinfanta n. A daughter of a king in Spain and Portugal.
INFANTA n. (Spanish) a title borne by every one of the daughters of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest.
INFAUNAinfauna n. Any aquatic organism that lives within the dominant medium of its environment, but especially within…
INFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a soft sea floor.
SAFFIANsaffian n. A leather made from goatskins or sheepskins which is tanned with sumac and then brightly dyed.
SAFFIAN n. (Russian) a brightly-coloured goatskin or sheepskin leather.
TAILFANtailfan n. The outer part of a bird’s tail, farthest from the body.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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