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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, B, D, L and O

ALBEDOSalbedos n. Plural of albedo.
ALBEDO n. (Latin) the measure of the reflecting power of an object.
BANDROLbandrol n. Alternative form of banderole.
BANDROL n. a small banner or streamer, also BANDEROL, BANDEROLE, BANNERALL, BANNEROL.
BIMODALbimodal adj. Having two modes or forms.
bimodal adj. (Mathematics, of a distribution) Having two modes (local maxima).
BIMODAL adj. in statistics, having two modes.
BLOATEDbloated v. Simple past tense and past participle of bloat.
bloated adj. Swollen with fluid or gas.
bloated adj. Excessively or extremely large or wealthy.
BOGLANDbogland n. Land that is predominantly boggy; marshland.
BOGLAND n. marshland.
BOLLARDbollard n. (Nautical) A strong vertical post of timber or iron, fixed to the ground and/or on the deck of a ship…
bollard n. A similar post preventing vehicle access to a pedestrian area, to delineate traffic lanes, or used for…
BOLLARD n. a post of metal or wood on a wharf or ship around which to fasten lines.
BROADLYbroadly adv. Widely and openly.
broadly adv. In a wide manner; liberally; in a loose sense.
BROAD adv. broad.
BUSLOADbusload n. The amount that can fit on a bus.
BUSLOAD n. a load that fills a bus.
CABILDOcabildo n. A local government council in some Spanish-speaking communities.
cabildo n. A town hall in some Spanish-speaking countries.
CABILDO n. (Spanish) a town council.
CODABLEcodable adj. Capable of being coded.
CODABLE adj. able to be coded.
DIABOLOdiabolo n. A juggling apparatus consisting of a spool which is whirled and tossed on a string attached to handsticks.
DIABOLO n. (Italian) a game in which a two-headed top is thrown up and caught on a string stretched between two sticks.
DOWABLEdowable adj. Capable of being endowed.
dowable adj. Entitled to dower.
DOWABLE adj. entitled to an endowment.
LABOREDlabored v. Simple past tense and past participle of labor.
labored adj. Alternative form of laboured.
LABOR v. to work, also LABOUR.
LABROIDlabroid adj. (Ichthyology) Like or belonging to the suborder Labroidei of marine perciform fishes, often brilliantly…
labroid n. (Ichthyology) Any fish of this kind.
LABROID n. a member of the wrasse family of fishes, also LABRID.
LADYBOYladyboy n. A trans woman or transfeminine person in or from Asia.
lady␣boy n. Alternative spelling of ladyboy.
LADYBOY n. a transvestite.
LOBATEDlobated adj. Lobate.
LOBATED adj. having lobes, also LOBATE.
ODDBALLoddball n. An eccentric or unusual person.
oddball n. (Neuroscience) A deviant stimulus that appears among repetitive stimuli during an experiment, to trigger…
oddball adj. Exotic, not mainstream.
TABLOIDtabloid n. (Publishing) A newspaper having pages half the dimensions of the standard format.
tabloid n. (Publishing) A newspaper, especially one in this format, that favours stories of a sensational or even…
tabloid n. (Medicine, obsolete) A compressed portion of drugs, chemicals, etc.; a tablet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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