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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, B, E, G and H

BEARHUGbearhug n. Alternative spelling of bear hug.
bearhug v. (Transitive) To embrace in a bear hug.
bear␣hug n. Any especially large, tight or enthusiastic hug, usually friendly and especially given by a male.
BEEGAHSbeegahs n. Plural of beegah.
BEEGAH n. (Hindi) an Indian land measure, also BIGHA.
BEGHARDBeghard n. (Historical) One of an association of religious laymen living in semimonastic communities in imitation…
BEGHARD n. (French) in Flanders, a man living a monastic life without vows and with power to return to the world, also BEGUIN.
BEGORAHbegorah interj. (Ireland) Alternative spelling of begorra.
BEGORAH interj. (Irish) an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, by God, also BEGORRA, BEGORRAH.
BHAGEESbhagees n. Plural of bhagee.
BHAGEE n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, an appetizer, also BHAJEE, BHAJI.
BIGHEADbighead n. (Countable, colloquial, especially used by children) A person having an inflated opinion of himself;…
bighead n. (Countable, colloquial) Any of several species of fish having a large head.
bighead n. (Uncountable, colloquial) Any of several animal diseases that cause swelling of the head.
BOGHEADBOGHEAD adj. as in boghead coal, a variety of coal from which paraffin oil can be derived, aka torbanite.
HERBAGEherbage n. Herbs collectively.
herbage n. Herbaceous plant growth, especially grass.
herbage n. The fleshy, often edible, parts of plants.
SHEBANGshebang n. (Informal, US, archaic) A lean-to or temporary shelter.
shebang n. (Informal, US, archaic) A place or building; a store, saloon, or brothel.
shebang n. (Informal) Any matter of present concern; thing; or business; most commonly in the phrase "the whole shebang".

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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