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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, U and V

COUVADEcouvade n. A practice among some peoples, such as the Basques, of the husband of a woman in the last stages of…
couvade n. Sympathetic pregnancy: the involuntary sympathetic experience of the husband of symptoms of his wife’s…
COUVADE n. (French) a primitive birth ritual.
CURVATEcurvate adj. Bent in a regular form; curved.
CURVATE adj. curved, also CURVATED.
EVACUEEevacuee n. A person who has been evacuated, especially a civilian evacuated from a dangerous place in time of war.
EVACUEE n. one who is evacuated.
HECKUVAheckuva adj. (Colloquial) Heck of a; extreme.
HECKUVA adj. a heck of a.
VACUATEvacuate v. To empty; to clear out.
VACUATE v. (obsolete) to make void, or empty, also EVACUATE.
VACUOLEvacuole n. (Cytology) A large membrane-bound vesicle in a cell’s cytoplasm.
vacuole n. A small empty or air-filled space or vacuity.
VACUOLE n. a small cavity in organic tissue.
VAUCHEDVAUCH v. (dialect) to move fast.
VAUCHESVAUCH v. (dialect) to move fast.
VAUNCEDvaunced v. Simple past tense and past participle of vaunce.
VAUNCE v. (Spenser) to advance.
VAUNCESvaunces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vaunce.
VAUNCE v. (Spenser) to advance.
VERRUCAverruca n. (Pathology) A wart, especially one that grows on the foot, caused by a human papilloma virus.
verruca n. (Mycology) A rounded projection or wart.
verruca n. (Botany) A sexine element similar to a wart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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