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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, L and 2R

CAROLERcaroler n. A carol singer.
CAROLER n. one who sings joyously, also CAROLLER.
CARRELLcarrell n. Alternative form of carrel.
Carrell prop.n. A surname.
CARRELL n. a desk for private study in a library, also CARREL.
CARRELScarrels n. Plural of carrel.
Carrels prop.n. Plural of Carrel.
CARREL n. a desk for private study in a library, also CARRELL.
CERRIALcerrial adj. Of or relating to the Turkey oak.
CERRIAL adj. of or pertaining to the cerris, a species of turkey oak.
CLEARERclearer n. Someone who or something which clears.
clearer n. A tool by which the hemp for lines and twines, used by sailmakers, is finished.
clearer adj. Comparative form of clear: more clear.
CORRALScorrals n. Plural of corral.
corrals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corral.
Corrals prop.n. Plural of Corral.
CRADLERcradler n. An agricultural worker who uses a cradle (a kind of broad scythe).
cradler n. One who or that which cradles.
CRADLER n. one who cradles.
CRAWLERcrawler n. A child who is able to creep using its hands and knees but is not able to walk.
crawler n. (Sports) A crawl swimmer.
crawler n. A tractor crawler, a motorized vehicle that uses caterpillar tracks instead of wheels.
RACLOIRracloir n. (Archeology) A prehistoric flint scraper.
RACLOIR n. (French) a scraper.
RAILCARrailcar n. (Rail transport) A self-propelled railway vehicle for passengers, similar to a bus.
railcar n. (Rail transport) A powered single railway vehicle designed for passenger transport, with a driver’s…
railcar n. (Only in Canada and US) Any unpowered railway vehicle.
RAUCLERRAUCLE adj. (Scots) rough, vigorous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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