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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, I, 2L and O

ALLODIAallodia n. Plural of allodium.
ALLODIUM n. (Latin) an estate held in absolute ownership, also ALLOD, ALOD, ALODIUM.
ALODIALalodial adj. Alternative form of allodial.
ALODIAL adj. relating to alodium, property under absolute ownership; freehold, also ALLODIAL.
ALVEOLIalveoli n. Plural of alveolus.
ALVEOLUS n. (Latin) a small body cavity, also ALVEOLE.
CODILLAcodilla n. The tow obtained from flax or hemp.
CODILLA n. (Italian) the coarse tow of flax and hemp.
GALLIOTgalliot n. (Nautical) A light galley.
GALLIOT n. (French) a small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, also GALIOT.
GORILLAgorilla n. The largest of the apes, belonging to the genus Gorilla, native to the forests of central Africa and…
gorilla n. A big and brutish man or a thug; a goon or ruffian.
gorilla n. (Informal) A powerful person or organization; a heavyweight or behemoth.
HALLIONhallion n. A rascal.
HALLION n. (Scots) a lout or lazy rascal, also HALLIAN, HALLYON.
HILLOAShilloas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hilloa.
LANOLINlanolin n. A greasy yellow substance chemically akin to wax that is secreted from wooly animals, with a variety…
lanolin v. (Transitive) To treat with lanolin.
LANOLIN n. a fatty substance obtained from wool, also LANOLINE.
LINALOLlinalol n. Dated form of linalool.
LINALOL n. (Spanish) a fragrant liquid alcohol, used to make perfume, obtained from oil of rosewood, also LINALOOL.
LITORALlitoral adj. Alternative spelling of littoral.
litoral n. Alternative spelling of littoral.
LITORAL adj. pertaining to or on the seashore, also LITTORAL.
LOBELIAlobelia n. A member of the genus Lobelia, flowering plants in the Lobelioideae subfamily of family Campanulaceae…
Lobelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Campanulaceae – the lobelias.
LOBELIA n. a flowering plant.
LOBTAILlobtail v. (Of a whale) To raise the flukes out of the water and then slap them down against the water surface.
LOBTAIL v. of a whale, to slap its tail against the surface of the water.
LOCHIALlochial adj. Of or pertaining to the lochia.
LOCHIAL adj. of or pertaining to the lochia, the discharge from the womb and vagina which follows childbirth.
LOGICALlogical adj. (Not comparable) In agreement with the principles of logic.
logical adj. Reasonable.
logical adj. (Not comparable) Of or pertaining to logic.
MAILLOTmaillot n. A one-piece swimsuit (for women).
maillot n. A leotard or tights of stretchable jersey fabric, generally worn by dancers, gymnasts or cyclists.
MAILLOT n. (French) tights worn by a ballet dancer.
PAILLONpaillon n. A thin leaf of metal, for use in gilding or enamelling, or to show through a translucent medium.
PAILLON n. (French) a decorative metallic scale or spangle; specifically a small piece of bright metal foil, used in enamel work.
ZORILLAzorilla n. Alternative spelling of zorille.
ZORILLA n. (Spanish) a small African mammal, also ZORIL, ZORILLE, ZORILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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