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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, 2P and 2R

CRAPPERcrapper n. (Vulgar slang) A chamber pot or toilet, particularly (dated) a flush toilet by Thomas Crapper.
crapper n. (Vulgar slang) A lavatory or outhouse.
crapper adj. Comparative form of crap: more crap.
PAPERERpaperer n. A person who hangs wallpaper.
PAPERER n. one who papers.
PREPAREprepare v. (Transitive) To make ready for a specific future purpose; to set up; to assemble or equip.
prepare v. (Transitive) To make ready for eating or drinking; to cook.
prepare v. (Intransitive) To make oneself ready; to get ready, make preparation.
PREWRAPprewrap v. (Transitive) To wrap in advance.
PREWRAP v. to wrap beforehand.
PROCARPPROCARP n. a female sexual organ in certain algae.
PROPRIAPROPRIUM n. an attribute belonging inseparably to every member of a species.
PURPURApurpura n. (Pathology) The appearance of red or purple discolorations on the skin that do not blanch when pressure…
Purpura prop.n. A surname.
Purpura prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Muricidae – formerly including many muricids.
RAPPERSrappers n. Plural of rapper.
RAPPER n. a doorknocker.
RAPPORTrapport n. A relationship of mutual trust and respect. A close and harmonious relationship in which the people…
rapport n. Relation; proportion; conformity.
RAPPORT n. (French) a relationship, esp. harmonious.
REPAPERrepaper v. (Transitive) To apply new wallpaper to, either by first stripping the old wallpaper off, or by papering over the top.
REPAPER v. to apply new paper.
RIPRAPSripraps n. Plural of riprap.
RIPRAP v. to strengthen with a foundation of broken stones.
TRAPPERtrapper n. One who traps animals; one who makes a business of trapping animals, for their pelts, meat, etc.
trapper n. (Mining) A (usually, child) worker who opens and shuts a door in a gallery or level of a mine, to manage…
trapper n. An ornamental covering for a horse. See trapping and caparison.
WRAPPERwrapper n. Something that is wrapped around something else as a cover or protection: a wrapping.
wrapper n. An outer garment; a loose robe or dressing gown.
wrapper n. One who, or that which, wraps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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