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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, I, M, O and V

AMOOVINGAMOOVE v. (Spenser) to stir up, to rouse, also AMOVE.
MOSHAVIMmoshavim n. Plural of moshav.
MOSHAV n. (Hebrew) a cooperative settlement of small farms in Israel.
MOTIVATEmotivate v. (Transitive) To provide someone with an incentive to do something; to encourage.
motivate v. (Transitive) To animate; to propel; to cause to take action.
MOTIVATE v. to inspire to action, also MOTIVE.
MOVIEOLAMOVIEOLA n. (tradename) a brand of film-editing machine, also MOVIOLA.
MOVIOLASMoviolas n. Plural of Moviola.
MOVIOLA n. (tradename) a brand of film-editing machine, also MOVIEOLA.
OMNIVORAOMNIVORA n. omnivores as a group.
PIVOTMANpivotman n. (Military) A pivot; the soldier around whom a body of troops wheels.
pivotman n. (Sports) A player in a central position.
pivotman n. (Figurative) A central or key person; someone around whom a particular project etc. rotates.
SEMIOVALsemioval adj. Half oval.
SEMIOVAL adj. in the shape of half an oval.
VAMOSINGvamosing v. Present participle of vamose.
VAMOSE v. to leave quickly, also VAMOOSE.
VARIFORMvariform adj. That can take various forms.
VARIFORM adj. having various forms.
VARIORUMvariorum n. An edition of a written work (especially the complete works of a classical writer) showing the notes…
VARIORUM n. (Latin) an edition of a text that includes the notes of earlier scholars or editors.
VASIFORMvasiform adj. (Biology) Having the form of a vessel or duct.
vasiform adj. (Biology) Containing vessels or ducts.
VASIFORM adj. having the form of a vase.
VIDEOCAMvideocam n. A video camera.
VIDEOCAM n. a camera for taking video.
VILLADOMvilladom n. The world of suburban villas.
VILLADOM n. villas collectively.
VOCALISMvocalism n. Speaking or singing.
vocalism n. (Linguistics) The vowel sounds used in a language.
VOCALISM n. the exercise of the vocal organs.
VOLTAISMvoltaism n. (Obsolete) galvanism.
VOLTAISM n. electricity produced by chemical action.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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