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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, K, N, P and T

BANKRUPTbankrupt adj. (Finance) In a condition of bankruptcy; unable to pay one’s debts.
bankrupt adj. Having been legally declared insolvent.
bankrupt adj. Destitute of, or wholly lacking (something once possessed, or something one should possess).
LANTSKIPlantskip n. Alternative form of landskip.
LANTSKIP n. (Milton) landscape, also LANDSKIP.
NETSPEAKnetspeak n. An informal form of written language used on the Internet, characterized by abbreviations and emoticons.
NETSPEAK n. the jargon of internet users.
PAKTHONGPAKTHONG n. (Chinese) a Chinese alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper, resembling German silver, also PACKFONG, PAKFONG, PAKTONG.
PAKTONGSpaktongs n. Plural of paktong.
PAKTONG n. (Chinese) a Chinese alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper, also PACKFONG, PAKFONG, PAKTHONG.
PANSTICKpanstick n. A form of pancake makeup supplied in a tube, like lipstick.
PANSTICK n. foundation makeup like pancake makeup but in stick form.
PARTAKENpartaken v. Past participle of partake.
PARTAKE v. to participate, also PERTAKE.
PERTAKENpertaken v. Past participle of pertake.
PERTAKE v. (Shakespeare) to participate, also PARTAKE.
PLANKTERplankter n. A single organism of plankton.
PLANKTER n. an organism that is an element of plankton.
PLANKTICplanktic adj. Planktonic.
PLANKTIC adj. relating to plankton.
PLANKTONplankton n. (Uncountable) Organisms, especially small and microscopic ones, that drift in water.
plankton n. (Uncountable) A plankter, any single organism that drifts in water.
PLANKTON n. the minute animal and plant life of a body of water.
SNAKEPITsnakepit n. Alternative form of snake pit.
snake␣pit n. A pit filled with snakes.
snake␣pit n. (Figurative) Any institution (Such as a school, prison, hospital, etc.) run in an inept or inhumane…
STOPBANKstopbank n. Levee, dyke.
STOPBANK n. (New Zealand) an embankment along a river.
SWANKPOTswankpot n. (Slang, derogatory) A show-off.
SWANKPOT n. one who shows off, also SWANKER, SWANKEY, SWANKIE.
TANKSHIPtankship n. A tanker (vessel for transporting liquid).
TANKSHIP n. a tanker.
UPTAKINGuptaking v. Present participle of uptake.
uptaking n. An understanding; comprehension.
UPTAKE v. to take up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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