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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2B and N

ABSORBANTabsorbant adj. Alternative spelling of absorbent.
absorbant n. Alternative spelling of absorbent.
ABSORBANT adj. able to absorb.
BACKBANDSbackbands n. Plural of backband.
BACKBAND n. the band which passes over the back of a horse and holds up the shafts of a carriage.
BANDBRAKEBANDBRAKE n. a brake or clutch in the form of a flexible band.
BANDOBASTbandobast n. Alternative form of bundobust.
BANDOBAST n. (Urdu) an organisation, also BANDOBUST, BUNDOBUST.
BARBARIANbarbarian adj. Relating to people, countries, or customs perceived as uncivilized or inferior.
barbarian n. (Historical) A non-Greek or a non-Roman.
barbarian n. An uncivilized or uncultured person, originally compared to the hellenistic Greco-Roman civilisation;…
BARBICANSbarbicans n. Plural of barbican.
BARBICAN n. an outer defensive work; esp. a tower at a gate or bridge.
BARNBOARDbarnboard n. Antique board recovered from old barns, used in construction and the making of furniture.
BARNBOARD n. wide softwood boards that have not been planed, used especially for building barns.
BARNBRACKBARNBRACK n. (Irish) a currant bun, also BARMBRACK.
BASEBANDSbasebands n. Plural of baseband.
BASEBAND n. a communication device operating over limited frequencies.
BEANBALLSbeanballs n. Plural of beanball.
bean␣balls n. Plural of bean ball.
BEANBALL n. a baseball thrown at the head.
BLACKBANDblackband n. (Mineralogy) An earthy carbonate of iron containing considerable carbonaceous matter, valuable as an iron ore.
BLACKBAND n. iron ore containing enough coal to calcine it.
BOBBEJAANBOBBEJAAN n. (South African) a baboon; a large black spider.
BROADBANDbroadband adj. (Telecommunications) Of, pertaining to, or carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies.
broadband n. (Telecommunications) A wide band of electromagnetic frequencies.
broadband n. (Internet) An internet connection provisioned over an existing service using alternate signal frequencies…
BROADBEANbroadbean n. Alternative form of broad bean.
broad␣bean n. An edible bean that has broad seeds, Vicia faba.
BROADBEAN n. a leguminous vegetable.
CABBAGINGcabbaging v. Present participle of cabbage.
cabbaging n. (Slang, UK) Being lazy or in a state of boredom.
cabbaging n. (Slang) The stealing of offcuts of material by a tailor making a garment with a customer’s fabric.
GRANDBABYgrandbaby n. (Informal) A young grandchild.
GRANDBABY n. an infant grandchild.
KABABBINGKABAB v. to cook on a skewer, also CABOB, KABOB, KEBAB, KEBOB.
RABBINATErabbinate n. The office or function of a rabbi.
rabbinate n. Rabbis collectively.
RABBINATE n. the office of a rabbi.
SABBATINESabbatine adj. Of or relating to an indulgence granted to the Carmelite order in 1322 which promised liberation from…
Sabbatine adj. Relating to the Sabbath.
SABBATINE adj. relating to Saturday.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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