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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, G and U

AMBAGIOUSambagious adj. Roundabout; vague.
ambagious adj. Indefinite. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
AMBAGIOUS adj. (archaic) roundabout, circuitous.
BARAGOUINbaragouin n. (Countable) A pidgin.
baragouin n. (Uncountable) Unintelligible speech; gibberish, jargon.
BARAGOUIN n. (French) any jargon or unintelligible language.
BASIFUGALbasifugal adj. (Botany) Tending or proceeding away from the base.
BASIFUGAL adj. developing in a direction away from the base.
BIGARREAUBIGARREAU n. any of several heart-shaped varieties of cherry, also BIGAROON.
BURRAWANGburrawang n. (Australia) Any of various cycads in the genus Macrozamia.
BURRAWANG n. (Native Australian) any of various palmlike plants having edible nuts.
CALABOGUSCALABOGUS n. (Canadian) a Canadian drink of rum, spruce beer and molasses.
COWABUNGAcowabunga interj. (Slang, originally US, usually humorous) Expressing amazement, enthusiasm, or joy.
COWABUNGA interj. an interjection used to express delight or satisfaction.
GADABOUTSgadabouts n. Plural of gadabout.
GADABOUT n. one that gads about.
GALBANUMSgalbanums n. Plural of galbanum.
GALBANUM n. (Latin) a gum resin exuding from the stems of certain Asiatic umbelliferous plants.
GAMBUSIASgambusias n. Plural of gambusia.
GAMBUSIA n. (Spanish) a fish of the genus Gambusia, members of which give birth to live young and feed on mosquito larvae.
GAUGEABLEgaugeable adj. Capable of being gauged.
GAUGEABLE adj. capable of being gauged, also GAGEABLE.
GAUGEABLYGAUGEABLE adv. capable of being gauged, also GAGEABLE.
GUANABANAguanabana n. The soursop or custard apple.
GUANABANA n. a tropical tree or its fruit.
GUARDABLEguardable adj. That may be guarded.
GUARDABLE adj. capable of being guarded or protected.
GUAYABERAguayabera n. (Chiefly US) A light, open-necked, short-sleeved shirt worn by men in Latin America and the West Indies.
GUAYABERA n. (Spanish) a short-sleeved, lightweight sports shirt designed to be worn untucked.
LAUGHABLElaughable adj. (Now rare) Fitted to excite laughter; humorous.
laughable adj. Worthless; worthy of contempt or derision.
LAUGHABLE adj. ridiculous.
LAUGHABLYlaughably adv. In a manner that can be laughed at, humorous, in a laughable manner.
LAUGHABLE adv. ridiculous.
RUTABAGASrutabagas n. Plural of rutabaga.
ruta-bagas n. Plural of ruta-baga.
RUTABAGA n. (Swedish) a root vegetable like a swede.
UNABATINGunabating adj. Not abating; ongoing, continuing.
UNABATING adj. not abating.
UNBANDAGEunbandage v. (Transitive) To remove a bandage from.
UNBANDAGE v. to take a bandage off.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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