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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2A, F, I and U

ALFAQUINSalfaquins n. Plural of alfaquin.
ALFAQUIN n. (Arabic) a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAKI, ALFAQUI.
ANTIFRAUDantifraud adj. Acting against fraud.
ANTIFRAUD adj. designed to reduce fraud.
AVIFAUNAEavifaunae n. Plural of avifauna.
AVIFAUNA n. (Latin) the bird life of a particular region.
AVIFAUNALavifaunal adj. Of or pertaining to avifauna.
AVIFAUNAL adj. relating to avifauna, the birdlife of a region.
AVIFAUNASavifaunas n. Plural of avifauna.
AVIFAUNA n. (Latin) the bird life of a particular region.
BASIFUGALbasifugal adj. (Botany) Tending or proceeding away from the base.
BASIFUGAL adj. developing in a direction away from the base.
EPIFAUNAEepifaunae n. Plural of epifauna.
EPIFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a hard sea floor.
EPIFAUNALepifaunal adj. Of or pertaining to epifauna.
EPIFAUNAL adj. of or relating to epifauna, the class of animals that inhabit submerged ground and river and sea beds.
EPIFAUNASepifaunas n. Plural of epifauna.
EPIFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a hard sea floor.
FIORATURAFIORATURA n. (Italian) a florid embellishment introduced into a melody by a singer or player, also FIORITURA.
FUMATORIAfumatoria n. Plural of fumatorium.
FUMATORIUM n. (Latin) a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORY.
INFATUATEinfatuate v. (Transitive) To inspire with unreasoning love, attachment or enthusiasm.
infatuate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make foolish.
infatuate adj. (Obsolete) Infatuated, foolishly attracted to (someone).
MEIOFAUNAmeiofauna n. (Ecology) A type of interstitial fauna, such as psammon, found in rock fissures, between the grains…
MEIOFAUNA n. animals less than 1 mm and larger than 0.1 mm across.
RAUWOLFIArauwolfia n. Any of several small trees and shrubs, of the genus Rauwolfia, that yield materials of medical use.
rauwolfia n. Any of a group of alkaloids extracted from these trees.
RAUWOLFIA n. a tropical tree or shrub used as source of various drugs, esp. the sedative reserpine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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