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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, Q, T and 2U

AQUANAUTSaquanauts n. Plural of aquanaut.
AQUANAUT n. a skin-diver; someone who explores and/or lives in the sea at considerable depth.
AQUEDUCTSaqueducts n. Plural of aqueduct.
AQUEDUCT n. an artificial channel or pipe for conveying water, most commonly a bridge across a valley.
EXEQUATURexequatur n. An official authorization given by a government to a consul etc.
EXEQUATUR n. (Latin) an official recognition of a consul or commercial agent given by the government of the country in which he or she is to be based.
QUADRATUSquadratus n. (Anatomy) Any of several roughly square or rectangular muscles, e.g. in the abdomen, thigh, and eye socket.
QUADRATUS n. the name of several quadrangular muscles.
QUAERITURQUAERITUR v. (Latin) the question is asked.
QUAESITUMquaesitum n. (Philosophy) Something sought or required.
QUAESITUM n. (Latin) something sought for; the true value.
QUARTZOUSquartzous adj. Pertaining to quartz; made of quartz.
QUARTZOUS adj. of or containing quartz, also QUARTZOSE.
TRUQUAGESTRUQUAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUCAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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