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There are 19 words containing 2A, M, V and Z

AVIZANDUMavizandum n. (Law) time for a judge to consider a case and reach a decision.
AVIZANDUM n. (Scots) a private consideration of a case by a judge, also AVISANDUM.
ZANAMIVIRzanamivir n. (Pharmacology) An antiviral drug C12H20N4O7 that is a neuraminidase inhibitor taken by oral inhalation…
ZANAMIVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of influenza.
AVIZANDUMSavizandums n. Plural of avizandum.
AVIZANDUM n. (Scots) a private consideration of a case by a judge, also AVISANDUM.
BARMITZVAHbar␣mitzvah n. (Judaism) A Jewish coming of age ceremony for boys.
bar␣mitzvah n. (Judaism) A boy who has come of age.
bar␣mitzvah v. (Transitive, usually passive) To initiate someone in a bar mitzvah ceremony.
BASMITZVAHbas␣mitzvah n. Alternative form of bat mitzvah.
BASMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BATHMITSVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATHMIZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATHMIZVAHBATHMIZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATMITZVAHbatmitzvah n. Misspelling of bat mitzvah.
bat␣mitzvah n. (Judaism) A Jewish coming of age ceremony for a girl.
bat␣mitzvah n. (Judaism) A girl who has come of age.
ZANAMIVIRSZANAMIVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of influenza.
BARMITZVAHSbar␣mitzvahs n. Plural of bar mitzvah.
bar␣mitzvahs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bar mitzvah.
BARMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a boy attaining the age (usually 13) of religious responsibility, also BARMITSVAH.
BASMITZVAHSbas␣mitzvahs n. Plural of bas mitzvah.
BASMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BATHMITSVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATHMIZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATHMITZVAHBATHMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMIZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATHMIZVAHSBATHMIZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
BATMITZVAHSbat␣mitzvahs n. Plural of bat mitzvah.
BATMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMITZVAH, BATHMIZVAH.
BATHMITZVAHSBATHMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a girl attaining the age of religious responsibility, also BASMITZVAH, BATHMITSVAH, BATHMIZVAH, BATMITZVAH.
OVERDRAMATIZEoverdramatize v. To dramatize to excess; to make overdramatic.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.
OVERDRAMATIZEDoverdramatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.
OVERDRAMATIZESoverdramatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.
MISVOCALIZATIONmisvocalization n. Incorrect vocalization.
MISVOCALIZATION n. an incorrect vocalization, also MISVOCALISATION.
OVERDRAMATIZINGoverdramatizing v. Present participle of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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