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There are 11 words containing A, F, 2G and P

DRAUGHTPROOFINGdraughtproofing n. The material which is used to make something draughtproof.
draughtproofing n. The act of making something draughtproof.
draughtproofing v. Present participle of draughtproof.
FRONTPAGINGFRONTPAGE v. to put on the front page of a newspaper.
GIFTWRAPPINGgiftwrapping v. Present participle of giftwrap.
giftwrapping n. Alternative form of gift-wrapping.
gift-wrapping v. Present participle of gift-wrap.
GIFTWRAPPINGSgiftwrappings n. Plural of giftwrapping.
gift-wrappings n. Plural of gift-wrapping.
GIFTWRAPPING n. the wrapping of a present.
GIGAFLOPgigaflop n. (Computing) A unit of measure for the calculating speed of a computer equal to one billion (109) floating…
GIGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed (a billion floating point operations per second).
GIGAFLOPSgigaflops n. Plural of gigaflop.
GIGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed (a billion floating point operations per second).
LEAPFROGGEDleapfrogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of leapfrog.
leap-frogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of leap-frog.
LEAPFROG v. to jump over with the legs apart.
LEAPFROGGINGleapfrogging n. The act of one who leapfrogs.
leapfrogging n. (Economics, business) The idea that small and incremental innovations lead the dominant firm to stay…
leapfrogging v. Present participle of leapfrog.
POWFAGGEDpowfagged adj. (Northern England) exhausted.
POWFAGGED adj. (dialect) exhausted.
PREFIGURATINGprefigurating v. Present participle of prefigurate.
PREFIGURATE v. to prefigure.
SPAGHETTIFYINGspaghettifying v. Present participle of spaghettify.
SPAGHETTIFY v. to make into spaghetti, with particular reference to black holes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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