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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 4A, C and R

ALCARRAZASalcarrazas n. Plural of alcarraza.
ALCARRAZA n. (Spanish) a vessel of porous earthenware, used for cooling liquids by evaporation from the exterior surface.
ALMACANTARalmacantar n. Alternative form of almucantar.
ALMACANTAR n. (Arabic) a circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon, also ALMUCANTAR.
ARAUCARIANaraucarian adj. (Botany) Relating to, or of the nature of, trees of family Araucariaceae.
araucarian n. Any tree of the genus Araucaria.
Araucarian adj. Alternative letter-case form of araucarian.
ARAUCARIASaraucarias n. Plural of araucaria.
Araucarias n. Plural of Araucaria.
ARAUCARIA n. a tree of the monkey puzzle genus.
ARRACACHASarracachas n. Plural of arracacha.
ARRACACHA n. (Quechua) an umbelliferous South American food-plant with edible tubers.
ASARABACCAasarabacca n. An acrid herbaceous plant, Asarum europaeum, the leaves and roots of which are emetic and cathartic.
ASARABACCA n. an acrid herbaceous plant of the birthwort family, the leaves and roots of which are emetic and cathartic.
CARAPACIALcarapacial adj. Relating to a carapace.
CARAPACIAL adj. of or like a carapace.
CATAMARANScatamarans n. Plural of catamaran.
CATAMARAN n. (Tamil) originally a raft of logs lashed together; now a boat, esp. a sailing boat with two hulls.
JACARANDASjacarandas n. Plural of jacaranda.
JACARANDA n. (Tupi) a tropical American tree of the Bignoniaceae.
PARAMAECIAparamaecia n. Plural of paramaecium.
PARAMAECIUM n. a microscopic unicellular ciliate protozoa, also PARAMECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
SCARABAEANSCARABAEAN n. a lamellicorn beetle.
TARMACADAMtarmacadam n. (Archaic) A mixture of tar and small stones used in paving.
tarmacadam v. (Transitive) To cover or surface with tarmacadam.
TARMACADAM n. (tradename) a paving material.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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