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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, N, P and R

ACROPHONICacrophonic adj. Conforming to acrophony.
ACROPHONIC adj. relating to acrophony, the use of a word starting with a letter of the alphabet as the name of the letter, also ACROPHONETIC.
CONSPIRACYconspiracy n. The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood…
conspiracy n. (Law) An agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future.
conspiracy n. A group of ravens.
COPARCENERcoparcener n. Any of several people who share an inheritance; a parcener.
COPARCENER n. one who has an equal portion with others of an inheritance.
CORNUCOPIAcornucopia n. (Greek mythology) A goat’s horn endlessly overflowing with fruit, flowers and grain; or full of whatever…
cornucopia n. A hollow horn- or cone-shaped object, filled with edible or useful things.
cornucopia n. An abundance or plentiful supply.
CRAPULENCEcrapulence n. Sickness or indisposition caused by excessive eating or drinking.
crapulence n. Intemperance; debauchery; excessive indulgence.
CRAPULENCE n. the sickness occasioned by intemperance; surfeit.
ENDOCARPICENDOCARPIC adj. relating to an endocarp, also ENDOCARPAL.
MONOCARPICmonocarpic adj. (Botany) (of a plant) That flowers and bears fruit only once before dying.
MONOCARPIC adj. having only one ovary; producing one fruit, also MONOCARPOUS.
PANCREATICpancreatic adj. Of or pertaining to the pancreas.
PANCREATIC adj. of or pertaining to the pancreas.
PORNOCRACYpornocracy prop.n. (Roman Catholicism, historical, sometimes capitalized) The period of the papacy known as the saeculum…
pornocracy n. (Derogatory, often figuratively) A government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons.
pornocracy n. (Derogatory) A societal culture dominated by pornography.
PRACTICIANpractician n. A practitioner; someone who practises a particular profession, especially medicine.
PRACTICIAN n. a practiser or practitioner.
PRACTICINGpracticing v. Present participle of practice.
practicing adj. Actively engaged in a profession.
practicing adj. Participating in the rituals and mores of a religion.
PRECANCELSprecancels n. Plural of precancel.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
PRECANCERSprecancers n. Plural of precancer.
PRECANCER n. a condition that may develop into cancer.
PRECONTACTprecontact adj. Describing a period before contact was established (especially with an indigenous people).
PRECONTACT n. prior contact.
PROCURANCEPROCURANCE n. the act of procuring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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