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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, C, F, O, P and R

CAPRIFOILScaprifoils n. Plural of caprifoil.
CAPRIFOIL n. (Spenser) honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOLE.
CAPRIFOLEScaprifoles n. Plural of caprifole.
CAPRIFOLE n. honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOIL.
FACTORSHIPfactorship n. The business of a factor.
FACTORSHIP n. the business of a factor.
FORCIPATEDforcipated adj. Like a pair of forceps.
FORCIPATED adj. formed and opening like a forceps, also FORCIPATE.
FRANCOPHILFrancophil n. Alternative form of Francophile.
Francophil adj. Alternative form of Francophile.
FRANCOPHIL n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHILE.
HYPERFOCALhyperfocal adj. (Photography) Describing the distance on which a camera must be focused in order to achieve the maximum…
HYPERFOCAL adj. referring to the minimum distance from a lens at which all objects can be focussed clearly.
OPACIFIERSopacifiers n. Plural of opacifier.
OPACIFIER n. something that opacifies.
PATRIFOCALpatrifocal adj. Patriarchal.
PATRIFOCAL adj. centred on the father.
PICOFARADSpicofarads n. Plural of picofarad.
pico-farads n. Plural of pico-farad.
PICOFARAD n. a millionth of a millionth of a farad.
PROFASCISTprofascist adj. In favour of fascism.
profascist n. A supporter of fascism.
PROFASCIST adj. supporting fascism.
PROFLIGACYprofligacy n. (Countable) Careless wastefulness.
profligacy n. (Uncountable) Shameless and immoral behaviour.
PROFLIGACY n. the state of being profligate.
PROLIFICALprolifical adj. (Dated) Producing young or fruit abundantly; prolific; fruitful.
PROLIFICAL adj. producing young or fruit abundantly.
ROOFSCAPESroofscapes n. Plural of roofscape.
ROOFSCAPE n. a view of roofs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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