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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, C, 3R and U

CARBURETERcarbureter n. Alternative spelling of carburetor.
CARBURETER n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETOR, CARBURETTER, CARBURETTOR.
CARBURETORcarburetor n. (US, Canada) A device in an internal combustion engine where fuel is vaporized and mixed with air prior to ignition.
carburetor n. (Slang, drugs) A water pipe or bong; a device or contrivance for mixing air with burning cannabis or cocaine.
CARBURETOR n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETER, CARBURETTER, CARBURETTOR.
CARREFOURSCARREFOUR n. (French) a crossroads, a plaza.
CORRUGATORcorrugator n. A machine that corrugates material.
corrugator n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of corrugator supercilii..
corrugator n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of corrugator cutis ani..
CURRANTIERCURRANTY adj. full of currants.
CURRICULARcurricular adj. Of, relating to, or following a curriculum.
CURRICULAR adj. relating to a curriculum.
FRACTURERSFRACTURER n. one who fractures.
PROCURATORprocurator n. A tax collector.
procurator n. An agent or attorney.
procurator n. A legal officer who both investigates and prosecutes crimes, found in some inquisitorial legal systems…
RACERUNNERracerunner n. Any of a group of lizards, of the family Teiidae, native to the Americas.
RECAPTURERrecapturer n. One who recaptures something.
RECAPTURER n. one who recaptures.
REDCURRANTredcurrant n. Alternative spelling of red currant.
red-currant n. Alternative spelling of red currant.
red␣currant n. A deciduous shrub, Ribes rubrum, native to western Europe; any of certain cultivars of the shrub.
REFRACTURErefracture v. To fracture again.
refracture n. (Surgery) A second breaking (as of a badly set bone) by the surgeon.
REFRACTURE v. to fracture again.
RESURFACERresurfacer n. A tool or machine used to resurface.
resurfacer n. A person who resurfaces something.
RESURFACER n. one who resurfaces.
RUBRICATORrubricator n. (Historical) The person who wrote the red titles and headings in a manuscript.
RUBRICATOR n. one who rubricates.
SUBCARRIERsubcarrier n. (Telecommunications) A separate signal carried on a main radio transmission, often carrying additional…
SUBCARRIER n. a modulated frequency used to modulate, with others, a main carrier wave.
SURCHARGERsurcharger n. One who surcharges.
SURCHARGER n. one who surcharges.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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