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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, D, 2H, I and R

DIPHTHERIAdiphtheria n. (Pathology) A serious infectious disease leading to inflammation of mucous membranes of the upper respiratory…
DIPHTHERIA n. an infectious throat disease in which the air-passages become covered with a leathery membrane.
DISHWASHERdishwasher n. A machine for washing dishes.
dishwasher n. Someone who washes dishes, especially one hired to wash dishes in a restaurant.
dishwasher n. (UK, dialect, Wiltshire) A European bird, the wagtail.
HARDIHEADShardiheads n. Plural of hardihead.
HARDIHEAD n. (archaic) hardihood, boldness, also HARDIHOOD, HARDIMENT.
HARDIHOODShardihoods n. Plural of hardihood.
HARDIHOOD n. boldness; audacity, also HARDIHEAD, HARDIMENT.
HEADACHIERheadachier adj. Comparative form of headachy: more headachy.
HEADACHY adj. having a headache, also HEADACHEY.
HEADCHAIRSheadchairs n. Plural of headchair.
HEADCHAIR n. a high-backed chair with a headrest.
HEATHBIRDSHEATHBIRD n. the black grouse.
HEMIHEDRALhemihedral adj. (Of a crystal) Having only half the plane faces needed for the highest degree of symmetry in its system.
HEMIHEDRAL adj. of a crystal or crystal class, having half of the maximum number of faces or symmetry planes possible for a given crystal system.
HERALDSHIPheraldship n. The status or office of a herald.
HERALDSHIP n. the office of a herald.
HIGHLANDERhighlander n. A person who inhabits the Scottish Highlands.
highlander n. Any person who lives in mountainous or hilly terrain.
highlander n. (Collectible card games, often capitalized) A game format in which players are allowed no more than…
HITHERWARDhitherward adv. (Archaic) Toward this place.
HITHERWARD adv. (archaic) toward this place; hither, also HETHERWARD, HITHERWARDS.
MIDRASHOTHMidrashoth n. Plural of Midrash.
MIDRASH n. (Hebrew) an early Jewish interpretation of a biblical text.
RHABDOLITHrhabdolith n. A minute calcareous rodlike structure found at both the surface and the bottom of the ocean, supposed…
RHABDOLITH n. a calcareous rod in some Protozoa.
RHACHIDIALRHACHIDIAL adj. of or like a rhachis, the spine or axis of a feather, also RACHIDIAL, RACHIDIAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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