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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, H, I, M, P and U

AMPHIBIOUSamphibious adj. Capable of functioning on land or in water.
amphibious adj. Occurring on both land and water.
AMPHIBIOUS adj. adapted for both land and water.
AMPHIGOURIAMPHIGOURI n. a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody, also AMPHIGORY.
APOTHECIUMapothecium n. (Lichenology & mycology) A type of fructification of some ascomycete fungi, forming cyst structures…
APOTHECIUM n. the spore-producing organ of certain fungi, also APOTHECE.
CALLITHUMPcallithump n. (US) A somewhat riotous parade, accompanied with the blowing of tin horns and other discordant noises.
callithump n. (US) A burlesque serenade; a charivari.
CALLITHUMP n. a noisy, boisterous parade.
GALUMPHINGgalumphing v. (Nonce word) Galloping in a triumphant manner.
galumphing v. Present participle of galumph.
GALUMPH v. to move with a clumsy heavy tread, also GALLUMPH.
GNAPHALIUMgnaphalium n. Any of the genus Gnaphalium of flowering plants, the cudweeds.
Gnaphalium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – the cudweeds.
GNAPHALIUM n. a genus of composite plants with white or colored dry and persistent involucres.
GUNMANSHIPgunmanship n. The art or skill of using a gun.
GUNMANSHIP n. the state of being a gunman.
HARUMPHINGharumphing v. Present participle of harumph.
HARUMPH v. to clear one's throat noisily in annoyance, also HARRUMPH.
HYPANTHIUMhypanthium n. (Botany) The bowl-shaped part of a flower on which the sepals, petals, and stamens are borne.
HYPANTHIUM n. a fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the rose hip and the pear.
MULTIPHASEmultiphase adj. That generates, or employs, multiple alternating current supplies with the same voltage but different phase angles.
MULTIPHASE adj. having many phases.
TRIUMPHALStriumphals n. Plural of triumphal.
TRIUMPHAL n. (Milton) a token of victory.
TRIUMPHANTtriumphant adj. Celebrating victory.
TRIUMPHANT adj. victorious, conquering.
UNEMPHATICunemphatic adj. Not emphatic.
UNEMPHATIC adj. not emphatic.
UPMANSHIPSUPMANSHIP n. the art of gaining some kind of advantage over others.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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