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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 2I, L, M and V

ALMSGIVINGalmsgiving n. The act of voluntarily giving alms, of making donations to the poor, charity.
ALMSGIVING n. the act of giving alms.
AMPLIATIVEampliative adj. That broadens conceptual knowledge by adding new information.
AMPLIATIVE adj. amplifying (now chiefly in ampliative induction).
INVALIDISMinvalidism n. The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.
INVALIDISM n. the condition of an invalid.
LACTIVISMSLACTIVISM n. strong advocacy of breastfeeding as opposed to bottle-feeding.
LAMBITIVESlambitives n. Plural of lambitive.
LAMBITIVE n. (obsolete) a medicine taken by licking.
LIMITATIVElimitative adj. Restrictive, limited.
limitative adj. (Grammar) Being or relating to a grammatical case that specifies a deadline, a time by which something…
LIMITATIVE adj. tending to limit.
MALVOISIESmalvoisies n. Plural of malvoisie.
MALVOISIE n. (French) a strong sweet wine, also MALMSEY, MALVESIE.
MISVALUINGmisvaluing v. Present participle of misvalue.
MISVALUE v. to value incorrectly.
MOVABILITYmovability n. The condition of being movable; ability or capacity to be moved.
movability n. The ability to move (oneself).
MOVABILITY n. the ability to be moved, also MOVEABILITY.
MUTILATIVEmutilative adj. Causing or relating to mutilation.
MUTILATIVE adj. causing mutilation.
RELATIVISMrelativism n. (Uncountable, philosophy) The theory, especially in ethics or aesthetics, that conceptions of truth…
relativism n. (Countable, philosophy) A specific such theory, advocated by a particular philosopher or school of thought.
RELATIVISM n. a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing.
REVIVALISMrevivalism n. Advocacy for the revival of a former practice, custom, etc.
revivalism n. Spiritual fervour of or for a religious revival.
REVIVALISM n. the spirit or methods characteristic of religious revivals.
SIMILATIVEsimilative adj. Implying or indicating likeness or resemblance.
similative n. (Grammar) A grammatical case expressing similarity.
SIMILATIVE adj. indicating likeness or resemblance.
SIMULATIVEsimulative adj. That simulates.
simulative n. (Grammar) A grammatical case expressing similarity.
SIMULATIVE adj. relating to simulation.
SLACTIVISMslactivism n. Alternative form of slacktivism.
SLACTIVISM n. the carrying out of feelgood measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it feel satisfaction, also SLACKTIVISM.
TRIUMVIRALtriumviral adj. Of or belonging to the triumviri or the triumvirate.
TRIUMVIRAL adj. of a like a triumvir.
TRIVIALISMtrivialism n. (Logic) The theory that every proposition and its negation is true.
trivialism n. A trivial matter or method; a triviality.
TRIVIALISM n. a trivial matter or method.
VERMICIDALvermicidal adj. Serving to kill worms, as a vermicide.
VERMICIDAL adj. suitable for killing worms.
VIRTUALISMvirtualism n. Virtuality.
virtualism n. (Christianity) The view, believed to have been held by Calvin and other church reformers contrary to…
VIRTUALISM n. the doctrine of Christ's virtual presence in the Eucharist.
VOICEMAILSvoicemails n. Plural of voicemail.
voice␣mails n. Plural of voice mail.
VOICEMAIL n. the facility of leaving recorded messages by telephone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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