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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, L, 2O, P and U

AUTOPILOTSautopilots n. Plural of autopilot.
AUTOPILOT n. a device which can be set to guide and control an aircraft or a ship on a chosen course.
COPULATIONcopulation n. (Countable) The act of coupling or joining; union; conjunction.
copulation n. (Uncountable) Sexual procreation between a man and a woman or transfer of the sperm from male to female;…
COPULATION n. the act of copulating.
COPULATORYcopulatory adj. Pertaining to copulation.
COPULATORY adj. relating to copulation.
LIPOMATOUSlipomatous adj. Relating to a lipoma.
LIPOMATOUS adj. of or like a lipoma.
NONPOPULARnonpopular adj. Not popular.
NONPOPULAR adj. not popular.
OUTGALLOPSoutgallops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgallop.
OUTGALLOP v. to surpass at galloping.
PHOTOMURALphotomural n. A large photograph (or series of photographs) used as a wall decoration.
PHOTOMURAL n. an enlarged photograph, usually several yards long.
POLYGAMOUSpolygamous adj. Of, relating to, or practicing polygamy.
polygamous adj. (Botany) Exhibiting polygamy.
POLYGAMOUS adj. of or pertaining to polygamy.
POMOSEXUALpomosexual adj. (Of a person) Rejecting, avoiding or not fitting in any sexual orientation label, such as heterosexual…
pomosexual n. A person who is pomosexual.
POMOSEXUAL n. someone who rejects sex altogether.
POPULATIONpopulation n. The people living within a political or geographical boundary.
population n. (By extension) The people with a given characteristic.
population n. A count of the number of residents within a political or geographical boundary such as a town, a nation or the world.
POSTOCULARpostocular adj. Situated behind the eyes.
postocular n. Any of the scales lying directly behind and in contact with the eye of a reptile.
POSTOCULAR n. a scale situated behind the eye of some lizards.
POSTULATORpostulator n. A person who postulates something as the basis of an argument.
postulator n. A Roman Catholic official who makes the case for the beatification or canonization of a proposed saint.
POSTULATOR n. an official who presents case for canonization or beatification.
POZZUOLANApozzuolana n. Alternative spelling of pozzolana.
POZZUOLANA n. (Italian) volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water, also POZZOLAN, POZZOLANA, PUZZOLANA.
PUFTALOONSpuftaloons n. Plural of puftaloon.
PUFTALOON n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOONIES.
TROPAEOLUMTropaeolum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tropaeolaceae – nasturtiums.
Tropæolum prop.n. Obsolete spelling of Tropaeolum.
TROPAEOLUM n. a genus of South American trailing plants.
VAPOROUSLYvaporously adv. In a vaporous manner.
VAPOROUS adv. like vapour, also VAPOUROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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