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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, P, R and U

ASPARAGUSESasparaguses n. Plural of asparagus.
ASPARAGUS n. any plant of the Asparagus genus, one species having young shoots eaten as a delicacy.
AUDIOGRAPHSaudiographs n. Plural of audiograph.
AUDIOGRAPH n. a machine used to test a patient's hearing by transmitting sound waves directly to the inner ear.
AUTOGRAPHEDautographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of autograph.
AUTOGRAPH v. to sign with an autograph.
AUTOGRAPHICautographic adj. Containing or relating to an autograph.
AUTOGRAPHIC adj. of, relating to, or constituting an autograph, also AUTOGRAPHICAL.
CARDOPHAGUSCARDOPHAGUS n. (obsolete) a donkey; something that eats thistles.
CRANIOPAGUScraniopagus n. (Medicine) A pair of conjoined twins joined at the head.
craniopagus n. Either of the individual twins of such a pair.
CRANIOPAGUS n. the condition of Siamese twins joined at the head.
HEPTANGULARheptangular adj. Having seven angles.
HEPTANGULAR adj. having seven angles.
PARACHUTINGparachuting n. The sport of jumping with a parachute.
parachuting v. Present participle of parachute.
PARACHUTING n. the act of descending by parachute.
PENTANGULARpentangular adj. Having five corners or angles.
PENTANGULAR adj. having the shape of a pentangle.
PURGATORIALpurgatorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling purgatory.
purgatorial adj. That purifies by removing sin; expiatory.
PURGATORIAL adj. relating to purgatory, also PURGATORIAN.
PURGATORIANpurgatorian n. One who holds to the doctrine of purgatory.
PURGATORIAN n. a person who believes in Purgatory.
SARCOPHAGUSsarcophagus n. A stone coffin, often with its exterior inscribed, or decorated with sculpture.
sarcophagus n. (By extension).
sarcophagus n. (Obsolete except Ancient Greece, historical) A kind of limestone used by the Ancient Greeks for coffins…
SPARGANIUMSsparganiums n. Plural of sparganium.
SPARGANIUM n. a plant of the bur-reed genus.
TARPAULINGStarpaulings n. Plural of tarpauling.
TARPAULING n. a strong linen or hempen cloth waterproofed with tar, also TARPAULIN.
UNGRASPABLEungraspable adj. Not able to be reached or grasped.
ungraspable adj. Not able to be remembered or comprehended.
UNGRASPABLE adj. not capable of being grasped.
UNPARAGONEDunparagoned adj. (Archaic) Superlative; the best; without equal.
UNPARAGONED adj. unmatched.
UPGRADATIONupgradation n. (Computing, nonstandard, proscribed, chiefly India) Upgrade; upgrading.
UPGRADATION n. the act of upgrading.
UPGRADEABLEupgradeable adj. Alternative form of upgradable.
UPGRADEABLE adj. that can be upgraded e.g. of computer equipment, also UPGRADABLE.
URANOGRAPHYuranography n. (Astronomy, cartography) Celestial cartography; the mapping of celestial bodies.
URANOGRAPHY n. descriptive astronomy and mapping.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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