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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, B, G, I, R and V

BESLAVERINGbeslavering v. Present participle of beslaver.
BESLAVER v. to slobber upon.
LABORSAVINGlaborsaving adj. Alternative form of labor-saving.
labor-saving adj. Making work easier or faster.
LABORSAVING adj. of a household device, saving work, also LABOURSAVING.
OBJURGATIVEobjurgative adj. That objurgates; sharply disapproving.
OBJURGATIVE adj. chiding, scolding, also OBJURGATORY.
OVERBEARINGoverbearing v. Present participle of overbear.
overbearing adj. Overly bossy, domineering, or arrogant.
OVERBEAR v. to bring down by superior force.
OVERBEATINGoverbeating v. Present participle of overbeat.
OVERBEAT v. to beat too much.
OVERBRAKINGoverbraking v. Present participle of overbrake.
OVERBRAKE v. to brake too much.
REVIBRATINGrevibrating v. Present participle of revibrate.
REVIBRATE v. to vibrate again.
VERBALISINGverbalising v. Present participle of verbalise.
VERBALISE v. to put into words, also VERBALIZE.
VERBALIZINGverbalizing v. Present participle of verbalize.
VERBALIZE v. to put into words, also VERBALISE.
VERBERATINGverberating v. Present participle of verberate.
VERBERATE v. (archaic) to beat.
VERBIGERATEverbigerate v. (Intransitive) To repeat meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental illness.
verbigerate v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To talk; to chat.
VERBIGERATE v. to continually repeat a word or phrase, usually unconsciously.
VIBRATINGLYvibratingly adv. In a vibrating way; accompanied by vibrations.
VIBRATING adv. VIBRATE, to move back and forward rapidly.
VIBROGRAPHSvibrographs n. Plural of vibrograph.
VIBROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording vibrations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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