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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, I, L, P and V

APPLICATIVEapplicative adj. Having practical application; applicable.
applicative adj. (Computing) Of a programming language: using successive functional transformations on data to arrive at a result.
applicative adj. Involving the application of an operator on an operand.
COPULATIVEScopulatives n. Plural of copulative.
COPULATIVE n. a conjunction that indicates combination e.g. 'and'.
CORIVALSHIPcorivalship n. Alternative form of corrivalship.
CORIVALSHIP n. rivalry.
DUPLICATIVEduplicative adj. Of, related to, or being a duplicate.
DUPLICATIVE adj. serving to duplicate.
EXPLICATIVEexplicative adj. Explanatory; serving to explain logically or in detail.
EXPLICATIVE adj. serving to explicate.
IMPLICATIVEimplicative adj. Tending to implicate or to imply; pertaining to implication.
IMPLICATIVE adj. tending to implicate.
INCULPATIVEINCULPATIVE adj. serving to inculpate, also INCULPATORY.
PERCEIVABLEperceivable adj. Capable of being perceived; discernible.
PERCEIVABLE adj. able to be perceived.
PERCEIVABLYperceivably adv. In a way that can be perceived.
PERCEIVABLE adv. able to be perceived.
PERCOLATIVEpercolative adj. That percolates.
PERCOLATIVE adj. relating to percolation.
POSTVOCALICpostvocalic adj. (Phonetics) (Of a phoneme) occurring after a vowel.
POSTVOCALIC adj. after a vowel.
PROACTIVELYproactively adv. In a proactive manner; so as to look or plan ahead.
pro-actively adv. Alternative form of proactively.
PROVINCIALSprovincials n. Plural of provincial.
PROVINCIAL n. one who lives in the provinces.
REPLICATIVEreplicative adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing replication.
REPLICATIVE adj. of, relating to, involved in, or characterized by replication.
SPECULATIVEspeculative adj. Characterized by speculation; based on guessing, unfounded opinions, or extrapolation.
speculative adj. Pursued as a gamble, with possible large profits or losses; risky.
speculative adj. Pertaining to financial speculation; Involving or resulting from high-risk investments or trade.
SUPPLICAVITsupplicavit n. (Law, historical) A writ issued by the King’s Bench or Chancery for taking the surety of the peace against a person.
SUPPLICAVIT n. formerly, a writ issued by the King's Bench or Chancery for taking the surety of the peace against a person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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